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Sovereignty of Individual Over State Keeps America First

united states sovereignty of individual and collective rights

(Wave Break Media Ltd./

Michael Hurd By Monday, 24 March 2025 10:55 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

For quite sometime, we've heard much about "America First," specifically about what it's purported, if not outright alleged, to be.

To begin with, "America First" isn’t racist and it certainly doesn't represent nationalism.

The United States remains first because we are the first country in human history to be based on the sovereignty of the individual over the state.

In the proper America, the government exists to serve the people and, above all, to uphold the rights of the individual. No other nation in history has ever achieved this.

No other nation ever attempted it. This is what makes America great.

Donald Trump’s MAGA movement comes closer to rejuvenating this principle than anything else in America today.

Democrats have become corruptible, irrational, and totalitarian.

Yet, today's GOP, by and large, seems to be comprised of hapless, bought-and-sold sycophants.

"America First" means: America is superior.

Not because of any particular race or national origin, but because America was the first system in human history to establish a social structure of liberty compatible with human nature and human potential.

Leftists and some fake Republicans speak as if America were based on the principle of altruism, self-sacrifice and giving, rather than independence, individual rights and freedom.

  • Is giving the essence of what makes a human being moral?
  • Or are achievement and productivity at the root of morality?

America was always the land of opportunity.

To this day, the appeal to many legitimate, legal immigrants is that sense of opportunity.

  • Why does opportunity matter?
  • What makes it worthwhile?

It’s worthwhile because it embodies the ability to achieve.

Achievement implies keeping what you legitimately earn.

And yes, you’re free to give some of it away; but that’s up to you.

People didn’t rush to the United States so they could achieve great things and then be forced to give it all away through taxes, illegal wealth redistribution, and inflation.

It’s true that people who enjoy freedom and liberty do accomplish the most, and those who accomplish the most are usually the most generous.

But if you don’t leave people free to produce and achieve, they are not able to work for and earn the wealth that all our (albeit rich) left celebrities so detest in the hands of those who earned it.

Ditto for foreign policy.

The basic issue in foreign policy is whether (or not!) we are the world’s keeper, or policeman.

I say we’re neither!

Many Americans agree, although most are afraid to say it because they fear the opinions of others and don’t want to seem "selfish."

Pre-Trump conservatives (aside from President Ronald Reagan) and literally all on the left strive to appear selfless.

But . . .  look closely: they are definitely not that way in their own private lives, but they expect foreign and economic policy to be conducted on that premise (while enriching themselves in the process).

That’s why, as Trump said in his first and third campaigns, America is continuously losing.

All we do is sacrifice and give up, instead of asserting what’s legitimately ours.

The good news is that America is not doomed, which also means none of us are doomed to anything. Nothing — good or bad — is inevitable, not without our choice.

In terms of America’s present crisis, we have a choice.

We can (like our Founders) choose liberty, freedom, rationality, and common sense, or we can choose brazen irrationality, nihilism, totalitarianism, barbarism and anarchy.

At no time in America’s history has the choice ever been clearer. Given the stark choice offered in the 2024 election, we know where most Americans stand on this issue.

Keep that in mind as the media, the "elites" and the supposed "cultural icons" continue to riotously tear President Trump apart in the coming weeks and months.

Societies have choices, just like individuals have choices.

Sometimes a society, like an individual, reaches a crucial crossroads.

We’re unquestionably at one now.

The choice to be free, and to embrace the self-responsibility and need for rationality that freedom requires, will always exist.

America is no longer at war with an external enemy.

We have external enemies, for sure, but it has become painfully obvious that the strongest enemy is our own government, along with its mouthpieces in colleges, the corrupt media, universities and other government-funded monstrosities.

That government, as we know it, is no friend of the individual.

America is at war with itself.

Those are the worst kinds of conflicts.

The fate of the entire world depends on the outcome.

The fate of President Trump is now everyone’s fate, like it or not.


Because he’s the last man standing for freedom in America and, by extension, the world.

So why is America first? I’ll say it again: Freedom. It’s the reason America was always first, and, if our enemy within is conquered, always will be.

Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Psychology. He is the author of "Grow Up America" and "Bad Therapy, Good Therapy," available exclusively at He has been quoted in and/or appeared on over 30 radio shows/podcasts (including Rush Limbaugh and Larry Elder), on Newsmax TV, and writes two self-help columns weekly. Dr. Hurd resides in Charleston, South Carolina. Read More of Dr. Hurd's Reports — Here.

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Sometimes a society reaches a crucial crossroads. We’re at one now. The choice to be free, and to embrace the self-responsibility and need for rationality that freedom requires, will always exist. The strongest enemy is our own government, along with its mouthpieces.
gop, maga, nationalism
Monday, 24 March 2025 10:55 AM
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