Can the 2020 nightmare repeat itself this election year?
Well, the Republican Party, in its own inimitable fashion, may be about to blow this election — especially in some tight Senate races.
Urgent: Dick Morris warned of an "October Surprise" and the plan to stop Trump — See More Here
Remember back in 2020 when the Democrats piled up huge leads among those who voted early, sometimes weeks before Election Day?
Meanwhile Republican operatives actually told GOP voters not to vote early but show up on Election Day.
By the time the Republicans showed up, the Democrats had already piled up leads that were insurmountable — all of this happened through early voting.
Democrats went door to door to sign up their voters as Republicans sat back and waited.
The GOP thinking reminds one of baseball when one team scratches out; runs through walks, singles, and stolen bases; and sacrifices flies — while the other team waits for the "three-run homer" that just never comes.
You would have thought that the Republicans would have learned their lesson from 2020.
But now, in 2022, early data and polling is showing the same damn thing is happening.
As of today, Oct. 23, 7.5 million people have already voted — 1.67 million in person and 5.8 million by mail.
And, in states that register voters by party, 2.1 million of these early voters have been Democrats (50%) while only 1.2 million have been cast by Republicans (30%).
Polling by John McLaughlin, John Jordan, and myself shows that, in Pennsylvania, 14% of Fetterman voters have already voted compared to less than 1% of Oz supporters.
In Arizona, twice as many of Democrat Mark Kelly's voters have already voted — 10% against only 5% of Republican Blake Masters' supporters.
The central message of my new book "The Return: Trump's Big 2024 Comeback" is that the Republican Party has to change its political tactics to match the new rules Democrats unveiled in 2020.
They have to do the gimmicks this year and in 2024 when Trump runs.
But it really matters when a person votes.
When Democrats ask a voter to cast his ballot two weeks before the election, they can follow up if the person doesn't come through.
But with Election Day voters, there is no margin for error.
If even 5% of Republican voters failed to show up on Election Day — think the kids got sick, things piled up, people got the flu, or just too many things to do — the party risks losing Senate races that are now on razor edge in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, and Ohio.
The fate of both the Senate and House depends on GOP voters actually voting.
So why are the Republicans living so dangerously?
Scarred by their 2020 experience, they worry that early votes for Republicans will be lost or misplaced.
These worries about voter issues are strong enough to get them to urge their devoted followers to stay home and only come out only on Election Day.
How short-sighted can you get?
Imagine depending on someone who may or may not have the time to cast their ballot on Election Day.
The answer to voter integrity is to provide sufficient ballot protection through volunteer poll watchers, not to let the voters stay home!
Two days after we were defeated in the election of 2020, campaign manager Jared Kushner called to boast to me: "Boy we sure did a great job on Election Day."
He was right.
Trump pulled out 11 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. But, by using early voting, Biden pulled out 15 million more.
Sure we need to stop Democratic voting shenanigans, but let's tell people to vote early!
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Dick Morris is a former presidential adviser and political strategist. He is a regular contributor to Newsmax TV. Read Dick Morris' Reports — More Here.
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