On her Fox News Channel program last Saturday night, former judge Jeanine Pirro beautifully and eloquently crystallized the burgeoning outrage called Benghazi.
Pirro’s 11-minute “Opening Statement” displayed righteous indignation at the three snapshots of institutional rot that compose this scandal. In short: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rejected pleas for more security by Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens; Obama apparently retired for the evening as the Benghazi attack raged on; and someone ordered American forces to stand down.
Top White House and State Department personnel then repeatedly lied to the American people in order to cover up this lethal incompetence and, thus, secure Obama’s re-election just two months later.
Pirro expressed appropriate disgust with Obama’s self-absorbed behavior during and after the terrorist murders of Ambassador Stevens, Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods:
Fact: The president knew at 5 p.m. his consulate and ambassador were under attack.
He simply told Joint Chiefs Chairman Dempsey and Defense Secretary Panetta to take care of it. He simply went to bed. He didn’t even bother to call, never checking with them again. Fact: The next morning, the president takes Air Force One to fly to a Las Vegas fundraiser for himself, while Americans burn in the Middle East. He can take Air Force One for a campaign fundraiser, but he can’t send fighter jets to save Americans.
Pirro correctly avoids weasel words such as “dissemble,” “falsehood,” “inaccurate,” and “mislead,” which, in this case, are like calling Bonnie and Clyde “shoplifters who decreased the liquid assets of certain financial institutions.”
American political rhetoric is too genteel about accurately describing outright lies, especially when conservatives discuss liberals. (Here, again, the Right kindly practices domestic unilateral disarmament while the Left operates without such constraints.) Pirro crisply explains why this antiquated practice is, itself, dishonest:
Jay Carney, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama: They all lied to us. Now, I am tired of the sugar coating. I am tired of putting truth to the falsehood. A lie is a lie is a lie. Let’s call it what it is.
Pirro’s intense, fact-driven, and justifiably angry monologue should help anyone new to Benghazi understand why this growing scandal is so terribly important, and why House investigators must uncover every relevant truth that Obama and his acolytes labored to cover up.
Deroy Murdock is a media fellow with the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University. Email him at deroy.Murdock@gmail.com. Read more reports from Deroy Murdock — Click Here Now.