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China Spies on U.S. Via Cyber Attacks

By    |   Thursday, 04 December 2008 02:40 PM EST

On Nov. 17, I received an e-mail from Elizabeth Clark who wrote, “You seem to be the only one interested in the growing power of China.”

While in China, she was told that China’s strategy is to send “little fishes” into and around the United States:

China is well on its way to success. They are flooding into Canada and Mexico. They control both ends of the Panama Canal and are drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba. They have a big base near Long Beach, COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company).

Are not “China cyber attacks,” for which Yahoo! had 6,040,000 entries (as of Nov. 15), yet another kind of China’s “little fishes” in the United States?

On Sept. 10, 2007, Scientific American published an article entitled “China’s Cyber Attacks Signal New Battlefield Is Online.”

What is a cyber attack?

Animals have no language, but only a set of several signals, expressing danger, intimidating, or calling for help. Initially, a human language had words, but written language did not exist, and all communication was oral. Then came writing, printing, and communication by post, which carried written or printed messages to the addresses indicated.

Telephones were a revolution in communication, since they carried oral messages instantly from telephone to telephone. Finally, within our generation, came the Internet computer, as well as fax, which can copy a message and transmit it to another computer or fax anywhere. As my assistant Alan Freed points out to me, “fax,” called “Deskfax,” that is “desk facsimile,” was in wide use in private offices in the 1940s, though the invention of “fax transmission” is a separate story.

To intercept a telephone conversation from telephone to telephone within the same country, an intelligence/espionage agent had to penetrate the area within that country where the telephone lines are. He could have been caught, and the chances are the country where the telephone information was intercepted would learn which country had sent the interceptor and would treat the interception as a violation of its sovereignty, or espionage, an act of war.

In contrast to telephones, computers need no wire. On Nov. 6, 2008, The Raw Story published “Report: Chinese Hackers Download White House E-mails”:

The White House computer was penetrated on several occasions earlier this year by Chinese hackers who downloaded e-mails between government officials, a new report reveals.

A senior US official tells the Financial Times that cyber-security experts believe the attacks were coordinated by the Chinese government, although there is no proof they were the result of an organized assault.

No cyber hacker downloading U.S. government e-mails has ever been identified in any way.

The United States is, owing to its freedom, a Disneyland resort as compared with the ruthless military state slave machine of China, in which an inhabitant is or may be ordered to be a military machine cog. It is said that Chinese cyber attacks on the Pentagon numbered 1 million a day. But this does not mean that the United States has launched a single cyber attack on China.

The end, as I see it, may only be the end, in the United States and the rest of the free world, of the Internet for important communications, for they can be hacked by China.

The possibility of cyber hacking has never been mentioned by the outgoing President George W. Bush or by any presidential candidate, including the president-elect. It seems not to be the knowledge, or suspicion, or concern of the U.S. government, Congress, or armed forces.

Putin and Medvedev’s Russia was loudly condemned by the United States for defending South and North Ossetia, wishing to be independent of Georgia. Why this thunderous condemnation?

Because compared with China, Russia is no threat to the United States. The population of Russia is about one-ninth of that of China, and the ultimate number of strategically vital scientists and engineers depends on the size of the population. In the East, Russia, with its vast Siberia, sparsely populated by Russians but favored by Chinese “illegal emigrants,” is threatened by China, and in the West, Russia confronts NATO.

On the other hand, China is the first country in history that poses a mortal threat to the United States and the rest of the free world. And hence the respect for China. Let her play with those little cyber fishes, infiltrating the U.S. government.

The American majority will not visualize the Chinese threat in total until and unless it sees an adequate film on the subject. As for the presidents, there is no American president whom we know better than we do the outgoing president George W. Bush after his eight years in office.

In 2006, while Bush was honoring Hu Jintao, China’s ruler, on the south lawn of the White House, Dr. Wenyi Wang, a correspondent for the dissident Chinese newspaper The Epoch Times, loudly condemned the historically unprecedented atrocities against Falun Gong. But neither then, nor later, did Bush say a word against the persecution of Falun Gong.

To Hu Jintao, he “apologized for the mishap,” and in 2008, he respectfully graced with his presence the Olympic Games in Beijing.

You can e-mail me at

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On Nov. 17, I received an e-mail from Elizabeth Clark who wrote, “You seem to be the only one interested in the growing power of China.”While in China, she was told that China’s strategy is to send “little fishes” into and around the United States:China is well on its way...
Thursday, 04 December 2008 02:40 PM
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