Dr. Oz agreed Wednesday with medical summaries declaring Donald Trump was in good health for the White House, though the Republican nominee disclosed he once was treated with statins for high cholesterol, according to a Trump supporter who was in the audience for the interview.
"He's a very healthy man," Kelly Platt, a pharmacist intern who participated in the taping of "The Dr. Oz Show," told Brooke Baldwin on CNN. "Dr. Oz agreed with him after Dr. Oz even read the letters from his physician.
"Everybody can have the opportunity to lose a little weight, just be healthier and lower your cholesterol.
"Donald Trump mentioned that his cholesterol was high at one time and he was put on statins to lower his cholesterol," Platt said in an interview outside the New York studio where the show was taped. It will air Thursday.
"He has zero health issues," she added. "He has no heart problems and no other health issues that will be harming him for his presidential run."
Trump, 70, surprised Oz with a summary of the results of his latest physical on the show. The exam was performed last week by Trump's longtime physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein.
In December, Trump released a letter from Bornstein saying he was in "excellent" health to serve as president. Bornstein told CNN earlier this month he wrote the Dec. 4 letter within five minutes because "I was just rushed for time."
Trump told Oz he wanted to lose 15 to 20 pounds, Politico reported, and other audience members gave conflicting reports about other issues the pair discussed.
Oz took Trump "through a full review of systems" during their discussion, according to a news release from the show that was reported by The Hill.
The physician also instructed Trump on nervous health, the head and neck, hormone levels, and cardiovascular fitness, according to the release.
Ivanka Trump, the nominee's oldest daughter, spoke with Oz before he interviewed Trump.
She talked about the child care plan Trump unveiled Tuesday, which calls for six weeks of paid maternity leave.
Platt told Baldwin on Wednesday: "I think the show went very well.
"I was very impressed with Donald Trump, impressed with his health report."
She said Trump told Oz he ate healthy, though "occasionally, he might want to go for a quick hamburger.
"But whoever has to go for a quick hamburger, if they're hungry and if they go to a fast-food place," Platt added. "As long as you don't go frequently, everybody can be on a healthy food plan."
Regarding exercise, she said Trump told Oz he plays golf but has not been able to do so because of campaign.
"He said he does not exercise — but just going to all these functions, where he's meeting with 35,000 people, 45,000 people and you're walking through everyone, to me that is exercise," Platt said.
"So, you may not be going to the gym and lifting weights — but going to all these political functions, where he's constantly walking . . .
"Walking is very good and walking is a part of the exercise regimen."
She added: "I know he likes to play golf, but he hasn't had time to play a lot of golf, being on the presidential run and the campaign trail.
"There's not a lot of time for extra-curricular activities, where he can go play golf — but I know he can play golf with the PGA players, and I believe he's telling the truth on that."
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