Sixty percent of Americans say the United States is worse off today than it was when Barack Obama became president, according to the latest
Fox News poll.
Only 34 percent think the country is better off. The president is also slipping among Democrats. In 2012, 81 percent felt the country was better off; that figure is now 57 percent.
The new poll brought more bad news for Obama. On practically every key issue from the economy and job creation to healthcare and foreign policy, a majority of Americans disapprove of the president's performance.
Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll
Statistically, the president has hit a record low in popular opinion this week. The Fox poll shows 54 percent of Americans disapprove of how he has done his job. Less than four in 10 voters — 38 percent — feel positive about his performance. That's down from November 2013, when 40 percent approved.
Most Democrats — 71 percent — continue to support the president. Sixty percent or better of Democrats think the president has basically succeeded in dealing with the country's main challenges, except for governmental transparency, where he gets a 47 percent approval rating.
Independents and Republicans frown on his overall performance, with 28 percent of independents, and 5 percent of Republicans approving of Obama.
On creating jobs, 59 percent of the country believes the White House has basically failed. Regarding his overall handling of the economy, 58 percent give him the thumbs down, with 36 percent approving.
The president said he wanted his administration to be transparent but the poll shows 59 percent think Obama has generally failed on this score.
The administration has invested its political capital in the Affordable Care Act. Overall, though, 59 percent disapprove of the president's handling of healthcare, while 36 percent approve. Asked directly if Obama had mostly succeeded or mostly failed on improving the country's healthcare system, 57 percent say he mostly failed; 36 percent think he has mostly made things better.
The poll shows that 56 percent of Americans disapprove of how the president manages foreign policy, while 33 percent approve. A majority, 59 percent, say he has mostly failed to improve America's image around the globe. That is a new low for the administration which garnered a 39 percent approval and 52 percent disapproval on foreign policy in December.
The president's positives are highest on homeland security. On that subject, 41 percent think his administration has as a rule succeeded. That is still worse than the 52 percent who approved in 2012. Some 48 percent today feel the White House has by and large failed to secure the homeland.
There is also a glimmer of good news for the president on the economy where just 51 percent of Americans think the economy is getting worse: that's down from 55 percent who felt negatively in February 2013.
The poll was conducted between March 2-4 by telephone and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll
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