Early voting has already begun . . . so it's important to cast your vote in the closely watched Florida governor's race.
And when you do, Newsmax strongly encourages you to vote for Rick Scott.
We endorse Florida's Republican Gov. Rick Scott for re-election for three compelling reasons: jobs, jobs, and jobs.
Newsmax TV Midterm Preview
Since Scott took office in January 2011, more than 650,000 private-sector jobs have been created in the Sunshine State, lowering Florida's unemployment rate from 11 percent to 6.1 percent — the second largest decrease in the nation.
Upon taking the governor's seat in Tallahassee back in 2011, Scott was dealt a terrible hand. Under Scott's predecessor, then-Gov. Charlie Crist and now his Democratic opponent, Florida had lost some 830,000 jobs.
Granted, Crist was not responsible for the economic meltdown of 2008 and 2009.
But Rick Scott ran in 2010 with the slogan "let's get to work," and his economic policies while in office have contributed mightily to Florida's robust jobs market. He made tough decisions, including reforming the state's public pension system — decisions Crist did not make after the crisis hit.
Republican Gov. Scott has cut taxes 40 times in four legislative sessions, including $210 million in property taxes, $400 million in auto registration fees — reversing Crist's tax hike — along with reductions in business income taxes and the sales tax on equipment and machinery to grow Florida's manufacturing base.
Scott eliminated more than 3,000 regulations on businesses and streamlined state government bureaucracy to help job creation.
During his administration Florida has reduced its debt by $4 billion and is now running a surplus of $1.2 billion.
In short, Scott has spurred job creation in the state by creating a more positive business climate.
But his accomplishments go beyond that.
On the education front, Scott included in his budget the highest funding for K-12 education in Florida history, a record $18.9 billion. K-12 spending when Crist left office, on the other hand, was lower than when he signed his first budget.
Scott implemented $480 million in teacher pay raises in 2013, and Florida ranked first in the country in the graduation index for Hispanic students. Scott has also signed a bill providing in-state college tuition for all veterans.
Gov. Scott has opposed Obamacare since its inception. At the same time, he signed legislation providing $83 million for cancer research in Florida, and designated $80 million for new residency positions in the state's hospitals.
The governor worked with the federal government and environmental agencies to fund an $880 million plan for clean water in the Everglades, and provided $100 million to protect the waters and reefs surrounding the Florida Keys.
Newsmax notes that Scott offers a sharp contrast to Crist on a wide range of issues.
We know what Rick Scott stands for.
We can't say the same for Crist.
Crist has waffled on many controversial issues. Take abortion, for example. Through most of his political career he said he opposed abortion, and in 2006 he called himself "pro-life." But this year he says he opposes any additional abortion restrictions and backs the pro-choice position.
Scott supports a minimum wait of five years before released felons can apply for restoration of civil rights. This seems reasonable to us.
Crist, however, supports restoration of rights in most cases without hearings, except for violent crimes and sex offenses.
Scott supports school vouchers for K-12 students. Crist backs a teachers union lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the voucher program.
Incumbent Scott rejected $2.4 billion in federal funds for a high-speed rail project between Tampa and Orlando that has been called a "boondoggle." Crist supports the rail plan.
Crist has waffled not only on political issues, but on his party affiliation as well.
He was elected governor as a Republican in 2006. Then in 2010, he chose not to run for re-election and instead sought the GOP nomination for the U.S. Senate.
But when polls showed him trailing fellow Republican Marco Rubio badly for the nomination, Crist left the GOP and continued his unsuccessful campaign as an independent.
Then in December 2012, he announced that he was joining the Democratic Party. And, in November 2013, he launched a campaign for governor.
So Charlie Crist is once again seeking to occupy the governor's mansion in Tallahassee. No matter how likeable Charlie comes across to voters, we are not sure which Charlie Crist will actually govern if he gets elected.
Crist says he loves Barack Obama and wants to imitate him and his policies. This, we believe, would be a disaster for Florida.
On the other hand, we have observed Rick Scott during his tenure. He has governed fairly and soundly. The results of his leadership are clear.
Sorry Charlie, but this time voters don't need a change backward. Rick Scott is the right man for the next four years and he deserves all our votes.
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