Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Immigration Subcommittee, paraphrased President Barack Obama following Thursday's hearing on sanctuary cities.
Interviewed on Fox News Channel's
"On the Record with Greta Van Susteren," Gowdy was asked how many more people will have to die before something is done about immigration reform.
"It depends on how outraged our fellow citizens are," Gowdy said, then invoked the name of the woman shot to death recently by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco.
"The president said that … in Trayvon Martin he saw a son. I can tell you those of us who have daughters saw our daughters in Kate Steinle," he said.
Obama has two daughters as well, Gowdy said, so he should make a phone call to the Steinle family to tell them he grieves for them. The family has said they haven't heard from the White House.
"And then, secondarily, to understand the primary focus of government is public safety," Gowdy said. "And it wouldn't take much to secure the border … make detainers mandatory. Make them mandatory like they were during the Bush administration. She'd still be alive if we'd done that."
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