The House Judiciary Committee, when it comes to dealing with Big Tech, including DirecTV's deplatforming of Newsmax, will have to subpoena CEOs to deal the "fascism" behind the silencing of conservative voices, Rep. Barry Moore told Newsmax on Saturday.
"Fascism is defined when you're talking about big government coordinating with big business, and what we're seeing here is where they started quieting conservative voices," the Alabama Republican said on Newsmax's "Saturday Agenda." "Of course, Newsmax has been a victim of that."
Moore noted that his Twitter account also was taken down at one point, but that after Elon Musk took over the social media site, he "said it best" that "when they pulled the curtain back, a lot of what we thought were conspiracy theories turned out to be true."
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AT&T's DirecTV has claimed both Newsmax and OAN were removed as "cost-cutting" measures at the same time the company reported profits last year of $2.7 billion. DirecTV claimed Newsmax was demanding "excessive fees" that would cost them in the "tens of millions" of dollars.
Newsmax has denied these claims, saying it was seeking a fee of about $1 per cable subscriber per year, among the lowest fees asked for in cable, and that the total amount of the deal was a fraction of "tens of millions."
"This was never about the fees being excessive," Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax, said. "DirecTV's position has always been that Newsmax — of all cable news channels — should never get any cable fee whatsoever, not one penny. "
The Judiciary Committee, under the chairmanship of Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, has a responsibility to get to the bottom of issues such as censorship, said Moore, as Democrats, when they were in charge "asked none of the questions that needed to be asked concerning the border, Big Tech, and censorship."
But Jordan is pursuing such issues, and the committee will find out if the FBI was working with Big Tech to censor conservative voices, said Moore.
"Certainly these media companies are quieting the Newsmaxes of the world," said Moore. "Americans want to have ... the opportunity to hear both sides of the story. They want to have an opportunity to make up their minds rather than feel like they're being told what to think. So we're going to have to look into that and make sure that we enforce this freedom of speech, freedom of press thing."
The committee is also looking into recent activities concerning the FBI and "just how corrupt it seems to be" including going after religious organizations such as the Catholic Church.
"The Judiciary Committee and members of Congress have a responsibility to protect people's liberty and freedom to have a choice," said Moore. "When I was doing my town halls, all through the district as we were talking to the American people there, they fear this federal government, feeling like they're being targeted because they're conservatives."
Actions to Take Now
1. DirecTV customers call toll free at 877-763-9762 to complain, demand Newsmax is back on air!
2. Call your congressman or senator at 202-224-3121 and demand they stop AT&T/DirecTV's censorship of NEWSMAX — ask them to give you a date on the hearings!
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Sandy Fitzgerald ✉
Sandy Fitzgerald has more than three decades in journalism and serves as a general assignment writer for Newsmax covering news, media, and politics.
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