It is "obvious that it's censorship" for DirecTV to cancel Newsmax, Sarah Palin says, because the move "makes no economic sense."
Appearing Tuesday on "Eric Bolling The Balance," the former Alaska governor and vice presidential nominee said that for DirecTV and its majority owner AT&T to have "censored and eliminated" the fourth largest cable news network while keeping 22 left-leaning channels that get nowhere near the viewership show the bias.
On a previous Newsmax appearance, Palin said she asked viewers for input and was surprised by how many said to boycott.
DirecTV customers call toll free at 877-763-9762 to complain, demand Newsmax is returned! Oppose censorship – sign The Petition – Click Here
"It's not even going to be in the court of public opinion," she said. "It's going to be hitting them in the pocketbook. That kind of awakens them to: 'We're not gonna take this anymore.' So that's where I'm going with this."
Other conservatives should expect to see themselves on the chopping block if nothing is done, she said.
AT&T, the 70% owner of DirecTV, deplatformed two conservative channels in the past year, with OAN canceled last April.
DirecTV claimed both Newsmax and OAN were removed as "cost-cutting" measures.
At the same time, the service continues to carry 22 left-leaning news channels, many with much lower ratings than Newsmax. All of those channels get hefty license fees, all higher than what Newsmax was seeking.
"DirecTV's position has always been that Newsmax — of all cable news channels — should never get any cable fee whatsoever, not one penny," Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy said.
Ruddy said AT&T's targeting of Newsmax for unequal treatment is "an act of political discrimination and blatant censorship."
Actions to Take Now
1. DirecTV customers call toll free at 877-763-9762 to complain, demand Newsmax is back on air!
2. Call your congressman or senator at 202-224-3121 and demand they stop AT&T/DirecTV's censorship of NEWSMAX — ask them to give you a date on the hearings!
3. Go to our online petition and get more info:
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