There’s a lot Joe Biden hopes Americans forget by Election Day.
During his State of the Union speech (March 1), Biden paid lip service to some of the issues facing the nation: international instability, inflation, public safety, a border crisis.
But, his words are empty.
Biden isn’t just failing to address these crises; he created them.
Now, he hopes you’re not smart enough to connect the dots.
Consider Biden’s tough talk about taking "robust action" against Russia — including reimposing sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline.
But it was Biden’s own administration that lifted the sanctions in the first place, handing Russia what was our strongest leverage.
And while Biden claimed he’d "buy American," he still refuses to unleash American energy independence. He promised he would use “every tool at our disposal” to protect American consumers during the Ukraine conflict.
He’s not.
As a result, gas prices have hit an all-time high, making it more expensive for hard-working families to drive to work and school, heat their homes, and keep the lights on.
Energy isn’t the only thing getting pricier. Everything from coffee to cars is more expensive, with inflation costing the average family an extra $3,500 last year.
Biden complains about rising prices but it was his own reckless spending that created it.
Only nine percent of Biden's $1.9 trillion reckless spending bill went directly toward fighting the pandemic, with more than $1 trillion in waste. And any wage increases Americans got have been eaten up by rising prices — Americans saw a 2.4% pay cut last year thanks to Biden’s failing economic policies.
While you struggle to make ends meet, your kids have struggled with remote learning and school mask mandates.
For two years, Democrats shut down schools, made our children take classes online, and forced toddlers to wear masks. Students have fallen behind academically, babies and toddlers are experiencing speech delays, and deaf and hard-of-hearing children endure "significantly hampered word recognition" because they’re unable to read lips with masks.
Biden preaches about how kids "need to be in school," but his record shows his real priority: political power. It was his administration that colluded with teachers' union bosses to keep schools closed, and it’s Biden’s CDC that has refused to change school mask guidance.
Meanwhile, Biden said he would take action on the border crisis, but his open borders policies have only made things worse. In his first 100 days, Biden took 94 executive actions on immigration, undoing many of President Donald Trump’s successful immigration policies.
Biden halted construction of the border wall and ended Trump’s "Remain in Mexico" policy. On his watch, more than two million illegal immigrants have been encountered at the border since he took office, while another 500,000 illegal immigrants have disappeared into the U.S. Among those caught at the border have been violent criminals, sex offenders, and individuals on the terror watchlist.
Fentanyl is flowing into our country, becoming the number-one killer of U.S. adults ages 18-45. But Biden can’t even be bothered to visit the border.
Closer to home, our communities are turning into crime scenes. More than 20 American cities — all of which are run by Democrats — cut funding for their police departments.
Last year, 14 major cities run by Democrats set all-time homicide records.
Ambush-style attacks on police officers increased 115% from 2020. And carjackings and organized "smash-and-grab" robberies are on the rise.
In his State of the Union, Biden claimed to reject the defund-the-police agenda—a line that drew applause from Democrats in the room.
But Democrats’ blatant support for the movement, soft-on-crime district attorneys, and bail "reform" that’s putting criminals back on the streets is what created the crime wave in the first place.
On the campaign trail, Biden backed the idea of defunding the police, and Vice President Kamala Harris said it was "outdated" and "wrongheaded" to think more police officers make communities safer.
Now, with crime soaring, Democrats are jumping ship.
In perhaps the most brazen example of hypocrisy, Biden lectured Americans to stop seeing each other as "enemies" and introduced a "unity agenda" for the nation.
But it was Biden who threatened unvaccinated Americans with a "winter of death" and said their personal decision has "cost all of us." He claimed that not wearing a mask "puts someone else in jeopardy."
He smeared those who support election integrity safeguards like voter I.D. laws as racists and white supremacists.
And his administration treated concerned parents like domestic terrorists, directing the FBI to track those who speak out at school board meetings with a "threat tag."
No one has done more to divide Americans than Joe Biden.
It's clear what’s happening. With the midterm elections just months away and Democrats’ poll numbers embarrassingly low, Biden is suddenly adopting Republican talking points.
But don’t fall for it. Between now and November 8th, Republicans will hold Biden accountable for his destructive agenda.
Elephants never forget.
Ronna McDaniel has been chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) since 2017. Previously, she was chair of the Michigan GOP (2015-2017).
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