Political strategist and best-selling author Dick Morris told Newsmax Friday that he's predicting a mass extinction event for Democrats in the November midterm elections.
"I'm predicting something more than a tsunami, more than a tidal wave, more than an earthquake," Morris said during an appearance on Newsmax's "American Agenda." "Do you remember, in the history books, how the theory is that a meteorite hit the Earth right around where the Caribbean Sea is and that the resulting dust killed all the dinosaurs and made them extinct? Well, that's the magnitude of what I think is going to happen."
Host Bob Sellers said, "Typically tsunamis come when the party out of power has 170 seats or something like that," pointing out that Republicans currently hold 212 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.
"I think they may go up to 270," Morris said. "I think they may pick up 60 seats. That's why I likened it to that prehistoric event because what I think you're really dealing with, to a certain extent, is the extinction of an entire generation of Democratic wannabees, Democratic candidates, where they're basically going to lose their whole freshman and sophomore class.
"They'll never recover from that for a long, long time," the adviser to former Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump added.
Morris added that Pennsylvania's choice of governor could determine the success of a future Trump bid for the presidency.
"Let me say this: I don't know if Donald Trump can win the presidency without [Republican candidate Doug] Mastriano as governor of Pennsylvania," he said. "Pennsylvania is the swing state and it's the only state where the governor appoints the secretary of state, as opposed to elected."
"So, if we get a Democratic governor who appoints a Democratic secretary of state, they'll take this election the same way they did in 2020," the political commentator continued. "We need a Republican secretary of state, which means we need a Republican governor, which means they need Doug Mastriano."
According to The Federalist, Democrat secretaries of state in key battleground states — including Pennsylvania's then-Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar — made last-minute, illegal changes to their state's election laws ahead of the 2020 election, undermining the authority of their Republican-led legislatures.
A polling average from FiveThirtyEight shows Democrat Josh Shapiro leading Mastriano by 9.5 percentage points in the Pennsylvania gubernatorial race.
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