A movement to draft Joe Biden to run for president is picking up steam.
A group advertising itself as "former staffers and campaign veterans" launched Draft Biden on Thursday night, along with a website
RunBidenRun.com, to organize volunteers and a petition urging the vice president to jump into the 2016 race.
A little over 3,900 signatures had been collected by Friday afternoon.
"Voters are tired of dynasties in American politics, and certainly want an election instead of a coronation," Will Pierce, organizing director of Draft Joe Biden,
told The New York Times.
"The House of Bush and the House of Clinton have had their run, and looking toward the future, Vice President Joe Biden is uniquely suited to tackle the issues America will face over the next decade."
Pierce also pushed back at the notion of a weak Democratic bench for 2016,
telling the Washington Times, "We just need to get the best people into the race, and one of the very best is Vice President Biden."
The draft effort and website come as Clinton faces scrutiny over her use of a personal email server
during her stint as secretary of state and the possibility that liberal Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren could be persuaded to launch a bid.
Despite Clinton's email problems,
she's maintaining her standing as the front-runner going into the 2016 presidential election, a CNN/ORC poll has shown, with 62 percent of voters saying they're likely to support her in the 2016 Democratic primaries; Biden is her closest competitor with 15 percent support.
Though avoiding a direct blast at the Clinton email scandal, Pierce told the Washington Times, "People know exactly who Joe Biden is."
"They know where he stands, they know what he thinks. And if you’re not sure, just wait and he’ll tell you exactly how he feels," Pierce said. "That kind of honesty is missing from our politics, and we think that’s something that American voters will appreciate."
A spokesman for Draft Biden told The New York Times that there were about a dozen volunteers so far, and that the group would target key primary states in early summer.
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