President-elect Donald Trump's campaign committee reportedly violated fundraising regulations during his presidential bid, according to
The Federal Election Commission sent a letter to Trump's campaign treasurer Timothy Jost this week, addressing Trump's campaign finance report for Oct. 20-Nov. 28.
Although anonymous donations above $50 are prohibited, however the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Trump's joint fundraising venture with the Republican National Committee, accepted as much as $16,000 in anonymous contributions.
OpenSecrets notes that usually when a campaign received a donation that exceeds the limit, the amount over the limit is reported as a negative amount and deducted from the campaigns contributions.
Trump's campaign instead made a note saying "excess to be refunded," beside the original donation, making it impossible to check if the president-elect's campaign totals were inflated without reviewing every report.
"This skewing of the numbers shows the committee's accountants are quite inexperienced and not all that interested in ensuring adequate disclosure is going on," Craig Holman, Public Citizen government affairs lobbyist, told OpenSecrets.
In November, the FEC asked the Trump campaign to correct over 1,000 errors, including almost 1,100 donations totaling over $1.3 million that were contributed in violation of campaign finance laws, CNN reports, noting that Larry Noble of the Campaign Legal Center said these letters are fairly routine, and that President Barack Obama and Sen. Bernie Sanders both received letters of this nature during their campaigns.
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