Nevada’s largest newspaper blasted President Barack Obama in a blistering editorial on Thursday about the Benghazi attacks in which four Americans died, calling him an “unworthy commander-in-chief.”
Obama, who holds a small lead in Nevada, which has six electoral votes, was taken to task by the
Las Vegas Review-Journal for his handling of the Benghazi, Libya attacks in an editorial headlined, “Benghazi blunder: Obama unworthy commander-in-chief.”
“The Obama administration sat by doing nothing for seven hours that night, ignoring calls to dispatch help from our bases in Italy, less than two hours away,” the editorial said. “It has spent the past seven weeks stretching the story out, engaging in misdirection and deception involving supposed indigenous outrage over an obscure anti-Muslim video, confident that with the aid of a docile press corps this infamous climax to four years of misguided foreign policy can be swept under the rug, at least until after Tuesday's election.”
The paper went on to lay out the precursors to the attack, including the embassy cable expressing concern over rising Islamic extremism in Benghazi, the drawdown of a security force, and the denied request from Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in the attack, for more body guards.
Even as a Pentagon drone aired a live feed of the attack, the paper wrote, “Not only did the White House do nothing, there are now reports that a counterterrorism team ready to launch a rescue mission was ordered to stand down.”
“The official explanation for the inadequate security? This administration didn't want to ‘offend the sensibilities’ of the new radical Islamic regime which American and British arms had so recently helped install in Libya,” the Review-Journal editorial said.
“The official explanation for why Obama administration officials watched the attack unfold for seven hours, refusing repeated requests to send the air support and relief forces that sat less than two hours away in Italy? Silence.”
It continued, “Prompt and strong action from the White House on Sept. 11 might have saved American lives, as well as America's reputation as a nation not to be messed with. Weakness and dithering and flying to Las Vegas the next day for celebrity fund-raising parties are somehow better? This administration is an embarrassment on foreign policy and incompetent at best on the economy - though a more careful analysis shows what can only be a perverse and willful attempt to destroy our prosperity.”
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