Sarah Palin has taken a new swat at Republicans supporting the #NeverTrump movement — calling them "traitors" who'll hand Hillary Clinton the presidential election if they don't get behind the billionaire real-estate tycoon.
Shortly after FBI Director James Comey announced on Tuesday he would recommend no criminal charges be brought against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server as secretary of state, Palin took to
Facebook to trash the anti-Donald Trump group.
"GOP #NeverTrump traitors — Hillary delights in you, for she can't win without you," Palin, the former governor of Alaska and 2008 vice-presidential running mate of Sen. John McCain, began as she called the FBI's decision, "ironic, tragic, but not unexpected."
"Amidst America's Independence Day celebrations the Ruling Class put another boot on our neck to snuff liberty's life out of We the People. It's a farce that "no one is above the law" and my heart goes out to all who've been unjustly accused and destroyed over much lesser crimes than Hillary's," she continued.
"Letting Hillary skate today is no surprise when the team she's on has celebrated its administrators pleading the Fifth, over and over again, sending messages to America that they're all above the law."
Palin said Americans must "rise up and tear down this tyrannical system that is destroying America from within. Truly, you're either with us or you're against us."
She ended her tirade at anti-Trump Republicans, saying they are "suffering chappedass because their power and purse are threatened by the grassroots movement to destroy their failed politics-as-usual. Hillary thanks you. She knows she can't win without you."
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