Donald Trump sounds like liberal filmmaker Michael Moore
in his attacks on former President George W. Bush for allowing the 9/11 terrorist attacks on his watch, says New York Rep. Pete King.
"What Donald Trump has said is misleading and untrue," King said Monday on Fox News Channel's
"The Kelly File."
Briefings given to Bush as late as August 6, 2001 said specifically that there was no evidence of any attack coming against the United States, King said. "The attacks they were concerned about were in Europe."
Former Director of Central Intellence George Tenet said in his memoirs there was no evidence that there was going to be an attack in the United States," King said.
It was Michael Moore, director of the 2004 documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11," and others who first made such speculation, King said, adding that Trump himself sounds like a "Michael Moore wacko."
"You can have honest differences with President Bush," King said, but "on 9/11, he had no warning whatsoever. … I lost many constituents on that day. If I thought that President Bush had any responsibility for that, I would be the first to talk about it."
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, one of Trump's rivals for the GOP nomination, disputed Trump's claim that he would have instituted immigration policies that would have prevented 9/11.
The 19 hijackers that pulled off the attacks were in the United States legally on student visas, Rubio said, and the attacks were the result of an intelligence failure.
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