Van Gordon Sauter, the former president of CBS News, said news outlets that claim to be neutral have “long been creeping leftward," and their dislike of President Donald Trump has "accelerated the pace."
Sauter made his comments in a column posted Monday by The Wall Street Journal. He served as president of CBS News from 1982-83 and 1986. Sauter was hired in 1992 as president of Fox News.
“The highly influential daily newspapers in New York, Washington, Los Angeles and Boston are now decidedly liberal,” he said. “On the home screen, the three broadcast network divisions still have their liberal tilt. Two of the three leading cable news sources are unrelentingly liberal in their fear and loathing of President Trump.
“The news media is catching up with the liberalism of the professoriate, the entertainment industry, upscale magazines and the literary world. Recent arrivals are the late-night TV hosts who have broken the boundaries of what was considered acceptable political humor for networks.”
He maintained many journalists do not consider “objectivity, balance and fairness” mandatory.
“To the journalists, including more than a few Republicans, [the president] is a blatant vulgarian, an incessant prevaricator, and a dangerous leader who should be ousted next January, if not sooner."
He accused news outlets of becoming “the clarion voice of the ‘resistance,’ dedicated to ousting the president even though he was legally elected.”
And Sauter asked if the public will ever trust journalists if the president is reelected.
“How will a large segment of the public ever put stock in journalism it considers hostile to the country’s best interests?” he said.
Jeffrey Rodack ✉
Jeffrey Rodack, who has nearly a half century in news as a senior editor and city editor for national and local publications, has covered politics for Newsmax for nearly seven years.
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