By 2010, the integration of Mexico, Canada and the U.S. will be almost complete. Congress and the media will not know what happened. Americans will be as clueless as ever; thanks to the complicity of the brain-dead media, the triumph of a bloodless bureaucratic elitist coup will become a reality, or close to it.
Jerome Corsi writes in Human Events: "Without announcing his intentions to do so, President Bush has decided to support the creation of a North American Union through a process of governmental regulations, never having to bring the issue before the American people for a clear referendum or vote."
"The Bush Administration has decided to ‘back-door' the creation of a North American Union political entity that would effectively erase our borders with Mexico and Canada and create several super-regional governing bodies that would have jurisdiction over the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court."
He continues, "Despite having no authorization from Congress, the Bush administration has launched extensive working-group activity to implement a trilateral agreement with Mexico and Canada.
"The membership of the working groups has not been published, nor has their work product been disclosed, despite two years of massive effort within the executive branches of the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
"The groups, working under the North American Free Trade Association office in the Department of Commerce, are to implement the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or SPP, signed by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005. ... This trilateral agreement, signed as a joint declaration not submitted to Congress for review, led to the creation of the SPP office within the Department of Commerce."
"The SPP report to the heads of state of the U.S., Mexico and Canada – released June 27, 2005 – lists some 20 different working groups spanning a wide variety of issues ranging from e-commerce, to aviation policy, to borders and immigration, involving the activity of multiple U.S. government agencies."
Corsi insists that Congress gave no clear mandate to the Department of Commerce or these working "groups" to deconstruct the United States and reformulate or fold it over into a regional trading state. He says that this procedure is a way for the establishment, which includes members of BOTH political parties and no political orientation except political or economic power, to do an end run around the American people and the legislative process – not to mention the Constitution of the United States.
(See: North American Union Already Starting to Replace USA, )
Of the 20 or so SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership) working groups, the closest thing to legislation allowing this "contrivance" to proceed was introduced by Senator Richard Lugar, R-Ind., April 20, 2005 – S. 853, the North American Cooperative Security Act. This bill would allow the secretary of state to jump-start a program to establish or bolster "mutual security and safety of the United States, Canada and Mexico."
The bill is stuck in committee. If we Americans are lucky it will stay stuck in committee and die the painful death of all creepy legislation that attempts to create a "new world order."
A House version was introduced by Rep. Katherine Harris – H. 2672 – and is also languishing in committee. God is good!
The implementation of the North American Union through a system of exchange between Canada, Mexico and the U.S. via regulations instituted by "study groups" housed in the Commerce Department is proceeding without any vote by the American people or, it would appear, any congressional interest or involvement.
Corsi vehemently maintains: "This is not a theoretical exercise being prepared so it can be submitted for review. Instead, SPP is producing an action agreement to be implemented directly by regulations, without any envisioned direct Congressional oversight."
The report says: "Upon your review and approval, we will once again meet with stakeholders and work with them to implement the work plans that we have developed."
And again, the June 2005 SPP report stresses:
"The success of our efforts will be defined less by the contents of the work plans than by the actual implementation of initiatives and strategies that will make North America more prosperous and more secure."
Reviewing the specific working agenda initiatives, the goal to implement directly is apparent. Nearly every work plan is characterized by action steps described variously as "our three countries signed a Framework of Common Principles." In other words, a coup through an "agreement" instituted by George W. Bush, Canada's Paul Martin and Mexico's Vicente Fox is in the works.
Regulations misusing NAFTA and the SPP agreement Bush signed last year in Waco, Texas, along with Fox and Martin will have a regional state in the works that none of us voted on.
As has happened in the past with so-called "trade agreements" or "security pacts," the on-track North American Union will create supranational bodies which will make decisions negating the will of the American people, thereby doing an end run around our sovereignty and the U.S. Constitution. Forget the Congress – they let this happen.
It won't matter whether or not we pass "guest worker" amnesty this year or next. What will happen is continued dithering about border security until the North American Union is in place.
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Meanwhile, a spokesman for the SPP told Corsi: "We [SPP] did not want to get the contact people of the working groups distracted by calls from the public." These working "groups" house themselves in the U.S. Commerce Department under the NAFTA banner. They have NO congressional oversight.
The SPP operates on the QT. It does not publish much in the way of documentation on its Web site. It has released several proposals involving regional coordination and collaboration across national borders on a number of projects. It will include many more public-private partnerships that will eventually take us to economic and political despotism. This outfit has to "work" out of the public view because someone might actually start investigating, as Dr. Corsi has done
Why are the Bush administration and policy elite doing this in such an underhanded way, without informing or debating this huge step in public? The answer, of course, is that the American people would scream bloody murder. Corsi also thinks that Bush and company are convinced the U.S. will be top dog in any hemispheric or regional arrangement.
Nevertheless, it wouldn't be the first time an illegal coup of sorts has taken place through a clandestine network of economic and political interests. There are always those who think they take power through a back door. It is very Hegelian and collectivist to believe the ends justify the means.
Corsi also ponders the same questions most loyal Americans must ask if they are honest. If this indeed is a coup by an elite to nullify U.S. sovereignty and make an end run around the system, it is a travesty and goes against absolutely everything Americans have fought and died for in countless wars. It is a betrayal of the U.S. Constitution and the American people.
As of June 15, 2006, only Rep. Tom Tancredo is demanding that the Bush administration let the American people know what is going on.
One might ask: Why aren't more media and legislators asking questions they should have asked BEFORE the Dubai Ports deal went down? Where have they been as 12 to 20 million illegal migrants entered the U.S. without permission, mocking the rule of law and our sovereignty? Why have nutty trade deals not been challenged as commercial interests, with the permission of the U.S. government, turned over American assets to anyone with the price?
What is it going to take to stop or prevent continued loss or sellout of America's best interests as we are forced to witness the destruction of a nation-state with a political and economic system that has worked for over 200 years?
Is the answer blowing in the wind, or does it lie with the American people and their representatives?
Dr. Steven Yates says, "The debate [over illegal immigration and borders] will be meaningless unless it takes as its starting point the recognition of the super-elite goal to create a regional entity, the North American Union." Jerome Corsi on the good sense of the American people and the dim political future of the Republican and Democratic parties. Why the nation-state is important and why it must be saved.
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