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On Israel's Birthday: 3 Insights Americans Can Learn From the Jewish State

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Rabbi Tuly Weisz By Monday, 26 April 2021 10:07 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

The State of Israel recently celebrated its 73rd Independence Day. Our small country has truly been a pioneering light unto the nations in a wide array of facets including technology, health, and innovation. However, we have also learned first hand the dangers of propaganda, the evils of terrorism, and the importance of maintaining traditional values.

A new book was published in time for Israel's 73rd birthday, Confronting Radicals: What America can learn from Israel. In it, author David Rubin goes through many of the successes and struggles the Jewish state experienced, and offers an action plan for the United States.

Rubin has been called "The Trusted Voice of Israel" and appears as a frequent commentator on Newsmax TV, Fox News and other TV and radio networks. A former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, and founder of the Shiloh Israel Children's Fund, Rubin has written seven books including The Islamic Tsunami, Peace for Peace, and Trump and the Jews.

I sat down with David Rubin this week for an interview, where he summarized the top three lessons America can learn from Israel:

Lesson 1: Judaism's Concept of "Repairing the World"

The Jewish concept of "Tikun Olam," (repairing the world' in Hebrew) is central to the Bible and goes all the way back to the creation of the world. At the end of creating heavens and earth and all that they contain, God created man and gave us the task of continuing the process of creation to make the world a better place.

America has gone through a process of self-correction throughout its history, which current America-haters do not want to discuss.

The Left does not understand this ability to correct our actions and, determined to go for the jugular, mercilessly attacks American heroes to score political points and create chaos, while ignoring historical context. In their eyes, everything must be purged a la Stalin, including the symbols, that represent the history of the American nation.

Lesson 2: Finding Tranquility Amidst the Chaos

Visitors to Israel immediately notice the peace and uplifting serenity of Shabbat in Jerusalem. There is nothing comparable to the transformation from the hustle-bustle of a busy Friday morning in Jerusalem to the Friday evening calm and tranquility from sunset onward until sundown on Saturday.

There are no computers, no televisions, and no cellphones in use; we live momentarily on an island in time when all attention is focused on the family, along with the teachings of the Bible that confront the important moral questions in our lives. Sadly, in today's America, there is no full day of rest from the busy technological world. The importance of the Judeo-Christian heritage in providing solace and family bonding in times of uncertainty and chaos cannot be underestimated.

Especially in these chaotic times, when cities are burning and dangerous forces from the Left are trying to destroy the wonderful freedoms and values that Americans have always cherished, an island in time may give a little peace and clarity of mind, before the battles to come.

Lesson 3: Domestic Terrorism is Not Social Justice

The nationwide race riots that rocked America last summer was a relatively new phenomenon in the United States, but one thing that we Israelis have learned is that any protest movement that involves violence and weapons of any kind cannot be spontaneous.

There is always a radical, violent terrorist organization, or organizations, masterminding the strategic descent into violence from behind the scenes. Very often, they are well-funded by other less overtly violent left-wing organizations and/or individuals that provide funding and logistics to accomplish their political goals through the violence which quickly turns from verbal terrorism into physical terrorism.

We in Israel know the dangers of terrorism first-hand. The purpose of terrorism is to aggressively intimidate and frighten people. The intent is that people will be afraid to say things that the radicals consider "politically incorrect," even if factually correct.

It is my fervent prayer that Israel's great friend and ally, the United States, learns these three valuable lessons in order to halt America's frightening process of societal self-destruction.

As Israel celebrates 73 years since our miraculous and modern rebirth, we have learned that a country that abandons its roots and its foundations is bound to eventually collapse. However, a nation that embraces Judeo-Christian values will be blessed to enjoy a vibrant future.

Rabbi Tuly Weisz is the director of Israel365, which connects 2 million people to Israel every month. He founded the I365 newsletter, is publisher of Breaking Israel News, and editor of The Israel Bible. He lives with his family in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Read Tuly Weisz's Reports More Here.

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Our small country has truly been a pioneering light unto the nations in a wide array of facets including technology, health, and innovation.
insights, jewishstate
Monday, 26 April 2021 10:07 AM
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