Seattle’s Jason Rantz published an analysis of the Seattle Police Department’s morale problem that is very informative, because what is happening in Seattle is also happening to a greater or lesser extent in every city where crime has increased precipitously over the past few months.
The commonality between what’s happening in Seattle, with its resulting spike in crime, and what’s happening in major cities across the USA is obvious once you think about it.
Even if cities began throwing money at their police department tomorrow, the flying dollars would do nothing to reverse the collapse in law enforcement officer’s morale and their knowledge that if an arrest or a traffic stop or even a casual encounter on the street breaks bad, they will be held entirely responsible for any harm, regardless of the facts or circumstances.
Since 2020 almost one–third of Seattle’s police officers have left the department and another 100 are not available for duty because, “Many are burning their accrued sick and vacation time before leaving the department for good.”
Here are the five reasons why.
- Second–guessing politicians with no law enforcement experience or common sense have taken “away essential tools and strategies of policing.” The city council banned the use of tear gas, which is “a non-lethal way for officers to disperse violent crowds without risking injury by entering into them.” The state banned chokeholds and neck restraints and severely restricted when officers are allowed to engage in a vehicle pursuit. The department’s ‘Inspector General’ asked the council to ban most traffic stops for any reason.
- In spite of what you may have read, Seattle is still “defunding police.” The far–left council cut 20 percent last year and is looking to cut another $5.4 million from the budget this year.
- Politicians not only don’t support the police, they actively attack police officers. According to Rantz, “The worst offender was Socialist councilmember Kshama Sawant. She falsely accused police of ‘targeted’ shootings against the black community. She forwarded a baseless conspiracy that cops reacting to rioters were possibly "prepared with instructions to orchestrate violence.” While “Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda defended a protester threatening to murder cops, several councilmembers said they would look to fire only white officers and an all-staff email from the Department of Finance and Administrative Services implied the SPD was full of white supremacists.”
- Police are targeted with false complaints to make it harder for them to get a job elsewhere. In 2020 over 19,000 complaints were filed against individual officers, “part of a public strategy by activists to flood the agency with complaints.” Out of that huge number a total of 15 resulted in suspensions.
- The ‘Silent Majority’ that supposedly supports police officers, remains totally silent. As a result, officers feel abandoned, alone and targeted.
Under these conditions, officers do their own de–policing. They stop pro–active policing and take a reactive posture. Officers only respond to calls sent by the dispatcher. Once on–scene, they display little initiative and anything out–of–the–ordinary gets a request to the dispatcher to send a supervisor to take over the situation. Officers are reluctant to get into a potential conflict because any use of force will be deemed excessive by vulture politicians and their media stooges.
The police department becomes a report–writing factory that is there to take a report after a crime occurs, but is seldom there to prevent crime from occuring.
The result is criminals are emboldened and crime rates skyrocket.
Jason Rantz’ Seattle analysis is a handy tool for citizens concerned about law and order elsewhere. If you see any of the Five Danger Signs of Approaching Chaos in your city, get busy and act before it’s too late.
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker's bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.