Recently California tested 57,000 for the coronavirus and only 1.500 tested positive.
That’s a positive test rate of 0.02%. It’s time to open the dang state.
Gov. Gavin Newsom has economic blood on his hands. He and his mini-Mussolini’s in government are killing more businesses than the virus ever will.
The private school Michael Reagan’s children attended up to 6th grade has closed its doors for good. Not because of the Wuflu, but because we now live in a police state.
America has gone from a free state to a police state and that is today’s school lesson.
What’s surprising is a governor who obviously has no sympathy for the thousands of private sector businesses threatened with ruin and the formerly productive employees who are now unemployed has managed to turn Kung flu victims into a profit center.
With the stroke of a pen, almost all hospital deaths are Flu Manchu deaths, because a victim of the virus means more "emergency" money for the state. It’s a miracle!
Thanks to the China flu there are no longer any deaths from heart attacks, cancer or even traffic accidents.
We’ve had enough. Our readers have had enough.
And now the town of Atwater in Central California has had enough. It has declared itself a "sanctuary city" for business and churches. The city council unanimously passed a resolution the larger cities are too gutless to consider.
It declared, the council is "affirming the city’s commitment to fundamental constitutional rights and declaring the city of Atwater a sanctuary city for all businesses."
Naturally the leftist stenographers at the San Francisco Chronicle — all currently collecting paychecks — are appalled. The resolution was passed "in defiance of the California’s shelter-in-place order."
Mayor Paul Creighton was unapologetic when he told the Chronicle, "It’s time to do the right thing and listen to the people who put us here. We want you guys to survive and thrive. It’s really critical that the elected in this country and especially this state start listening to you."
Listening isn’t happening in the larger cities or Sacramento, because those politicians — safe behind their wall of "experts" — know what’s best for you and your business, in spite of the fact most of them have never run so much as a lemonade stand.
We think the time for waiting for reason from city hall and the capitol is over. They have failed their test. It’s time for people to vote with their feet and go back outside. And if you hear of a business that’s going to reopen in spite of the ban, go there to show your support.
The only event that will bring these controlling pocket Putins to their senses is massive civil disobedience. If enough of us say "enough" then the lockdown will end because the Flustapo can’t arrest us all.
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker’s bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian’s Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)." Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.
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