All too many conservatives living in red states don’t pay much attention to the culture surrounding them, that's because they assume — wrongly as it turns out — conservatives have won the cultural battles in red states.
So we're clear, we aren’t confining our criticism to parents.
The guilty sleepers include legislators, party officials, statewide elected officials, pastors and activists. While they have been resting, the left has been working overtime to infiltrate and control the education system that is supposed to be imparting the beliefs of the parents to their children in school.
Instead, the only parent who has any real influence in what is taught in schools seems to be George Soros.
The price of virtue and decency in red states is also eternal vigilance. Just like liberty.
Georgia parent Michele Brown has not been sleeping. Instead, she’s gone on red alert (pun intended) after examining the books included in her local school library.
Brown had hoped to get a group of parents to join her in protesting obscene books in school libraries but as she said, "All of them were kind of afraid. They didn't want to go up against [the school board]. So I thought, Well, I’ll do it, I've done it before. So that's when I started emailing [the school board] and then got up to speak. I had no idea that they were going to react that way."
To make her point, Brown began reading from the book at a school board meeting. A member of the Cherokee County school board Patsy Brown (no relation) interrupted her after Brown "read a sexually charged passage from the book." The board member protested that the passage was "inappropriate" for any children who might be listening to the livestreamed meeting.
"Don’t you find the irony in that?" Brown responded. "You’re saying exactly what I’m telling you! You’re giving it to our children! I would never give this to my children."
Brown said her goal was to warn parents. "The purpose of this is to bring awareness that if it can happen in Cherokee County, which is the top Republican, conservative county in the state of Georgia . . . it's happening everywhere.
"This isn't just happening in public schools, this is happening in private schools. … this is not about book-banning, instead it’s about ensuring obscene material doesn’t wind up in the hands of children."
Last December "more than a dozen parents began reviewing books found within high school libraries back in December and identified about 45 books they took issue with.
"They appealed 14 out of the 45 books, but the books won’t be fully reviewed until December of this year, according to Brown."
This year–long process, moving at a glacial pace, is claimed by the school district mouthpiece to not be "lengthy."
Brown is quite correct about the political composition of Cherokee County. Trump received almost 70% of the vote there in 2020. Yet the school board isn’t paying attention to what leftist librarians are sneaking into the schools.
Wake up red state voters.
You can’t depend on imaginary red state momentum to maintain a conservative culture in your state or your schools. It takes active, committed parents and voters to keep a red state red. Get busy. Monitor your local schools. Pay attention to what your local government is doing. Participate in parent’s organizations and volunteer to help conservative candidates.
Be like Michelle Brown.
When we wrote earlier: The price of virtue and decency in red states is also eternal vigilance. Just like liberty. We weren’t exaggerating.
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker's bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.