The New Jersey State Board of Education has reminded us of something that should have been done long, long ago. The entire United States owes each and every "Church Lady" an abject apology.
The apologists should include: Hollywood, regime media, politicians, opinion leaders, cultural arbiters and mealy-mouthed members of the clergy.
The reason?
Everything the church ladies warned of when sex education was introduced into schools (and some no one could have imagined) has painfully come true.
Depravity, grooming, obscenity and innocence theft are all now a feature of government-mandated pornography exposure.
Whoops! We mean comprehensive sex education!
The Board has issued a ruling on the variety of degenerate activities that must be taught and it’s worse than you can imagine.
Fox News reports, "One mother of students in the Berkeley Heights school district called the standards "harmful and offensive," adding it was difficult to find on her school’s website exactly what her children would be learning."
And that’s assuming you are mentally prepared for the details.
New Jersey education "experts" think 13-year-olds are emotionally ready for this: "according to the New Jersey standards, students should 'describe pregnancy testing, the signs of pregnancy, and pregnancy options, including parenting, abortion, and adoption;’ and 'Define vaginal, oral, and anal sex.'"
What’s next? A field trip to a Monkeypox spreading event?
Once they’ve mastered all the sexual techniques the Bible warns against, the same students should "develop a plan to eliminate or reduce risk of unintended pregnancy and STIs (including HIV)."
That plan is easy enough and contains only a single word: Abstain. But we think the demon-possessed state Board would find that approach to be not "inclusive" enough.
Some alert parents have taken steps to protect the innocence of their children.
"The mom, who asked to remain anonymous, has chosen to opt her children out of the parts of updated sex ed curriculum she and her husband found alarming, but worried other parents in the state may be unaware of what is being taught.
"'All I’m asking for is transparency and accountability,' she said, adding she hopes other parents realize there are ways to opt out."
In the unlikely event a New Jersey local school board is run by adults who don’t think the role of education is to act like evangelists for sexual license, the options for sanity are limited. One educrat — who was happy to emphasize there is no hope for normal parents — boasted that opting not to indoctrinate students is impossible.
"If we do not, we do not pass New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJQSAC) monitoring. If the district fails this process we may become ineligible for state and even federal funding."
We are happy to commend the parents who opted their children out of this disgusting curriculum, but the bad news is, it’s not enough.
The children whose parents didn’t opt them out will be happy to share all the titillating details and graphic illustrations with children whose parents did opt out.
Once this teacher transmitted virus enters the school system there is no isolation strategy that will work.
Their only real choice is to get their children out of public (read government) schools.
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker's bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.