We aren’t breaking any new ground here when we point out that Donald Trump is a magnet for controversy and wild accusations. What we hope is new, is the following sincere advice on how he can reduce some of the controversy surrounding his fund raising for the Save America PAC and the Make America Great Again PAC.
These two PACs have proven to be wildly successful. As reported, in “an unprecedented haul, former President Donald Trump has raised more than $82 million in the first half of 2021 and has $102 million in the war chest from his political action committees, according to Federal Election Commission filings.”
This is more than any former president in history has raised for his political operation.
The former president dragged the sack for a total of almost $82 million during the last six months. The new total, combined with leftovers from previous efforts, gives him nearly $102 million cash on hand.
And all this was done despite Trump being banned from Twitter and Facebook!
Axios ran the numbers and found “rough total dollars and contributions averages out to be around $25.63 per donation.”
The size of the donation indicates Trump has continued to stay in the good graces of his middle–class base.
Here’s where the controversy begins.
Both donations and spending in a super PAC are opaque and essentially unregulated. Trump could spend the money on himself, hair–styling appointments for Ivanka or football camp for Barron and the spending would be all perfectly legal.
Just having the money on–hand has allowed the Opposition Media to begin ominous speculation, as the Washington Post mused, “the majority of his funds raised are being stockpiled and not spent.”
Our suggestion is to let the air out of the OpMedia’s balloon with a program of radical transparency. Release monthly reports that detail exactly where and how the PAC money is being spent. We guarantee this won’t be a problem for Trump.
If you’ll recall he didn’t even take his salary while he was in the White House, so the chances Trump views PAC spending as a personal piggy bank is risible. Being transparent will only serve to showcase the fact Trump remains above board fiscally.
The only caveat we have is regarding smaller vendors.
The left is so hateful and vindictive that it’s entirely possible social media oligarchs, payment–processing monopolists, banking overlords and credit card corporatists might band together to attempt to bankrupt any smaller firm that makes the mistake of doing business with Donald Trump.
In those instances, it would be prudent to list the type and amount of spending but not the name of the company that received the money.
And while we’re taking pains to not provide the left with lists of Trump supporters it can target and ruin, donors to the PACs should continue to remain anonymous. That way they won’t be fired, socially ostracized or banned from the digital world for the crime of supporting the wrong politician.
Trump won’t gain anything from being secretive about his super PAC spending, but there is much to gain from being open.
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker's bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.
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