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Being Anti-Abortion Only Path to Victory for Conservative Candidates

activist hands holding a banner with stop abortion message over a crowded street background
(Bulat Silvia/

Rev. Jim Harden By Wednesday, 07 February 2024 12:18 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

Pro-abortion propaganda is critical to President Job Biden's reelection bid. He wants to play on the heart strings of voters with two lies: 1) pregnant moms lack access to medical care when their health is at risk, and 2) rape victims are somehow further harmed by lack of access to abortion. The goal is make abortion a fundamental human right through all nine months of pregnancy.

Since this pro-abortion political position is extreme and wildly unpopular, the Biden team inflates rape data and uses anomalous stories of the health of the mother as a Trojan Horse. It worked in Ohio with Issue 1 to amend the Ohio Constitution despite having elected an outspoken anti-abortion rights governor just one year earlier.

Ignoring the political gun the Democrats are aiming at the Republicans will not work for anyone running as a conservative or Republican. Republicans need to find a way to unite their boilerplate talking points of crime, inflation and border security into a moral vision for America, a vision respecting mankind that includes everyone, from the womb to the tomb.

The moral motor of America is winding down because we have forgotten what it means to be human under God. America needs reminding.

The path to victory for conservative/Republican candidates is to confront the moral problem head-on as a life-affirming statesman. After passing Ohio Proposition 1 to amend their constitution, making abortion legal through all nine months of pregnancy, Democrats can no longer hide their intent.

Step one, talk about the Dems' true abortion goal. Step two, uncover the layers of criminality within the abortion industry while uncovering the lies behind the left's two abortion talking points of rape and health of the mother. Step three, remind people about what it means to be human, that all people are made in the image of God and therefore, equally valuable, without qualification.

Biden campaign strategists know that he will not get reelected based on his approval ratings, foreign or economic policies, his stamina, blazing intellect or moral leadership. Biden's reelection will occur only on the coattails of abortion propaganda, positioned as a robbery of women's freedom or a denial of critical healthcare.

And given what happened in Ohio and the fact that several states, including the nation's abortion capital of New York, have similar constitutional measures already queued up to gin up the Democrat base in 2024, Republican campaign strategists should be very worried.

It is fine for Donald Trump's newest sidekick to say all preborn boys and girls should be afforded the sacred right to life, liberty and happiness. But why are those rights sacred? Not because you or anyone else says so. There has to be a higher authority than the hubris of a political candidate.

The reason is found in one of America's founding documents, the Declaration of Independence. We should protect all people, born and preborn, because we are "endowed by our Creator," not our government, with the unalienable right to life — the foundational right upon which all other rights rest. Say that. All of us, yes even the ruling elite, come from God equally and will meet our Maker eventually.

A true rule of law government understands that it exists not for the benefit of the rich and powerful but precisely to ensure the equal protection of the weak and vulnerable from any would-be oppressor, even from the oppression of the appetites of the masses demanding injustice in the name of rights or freedom ... like abortion.

Presidential candidates must address the basis for human dignity as rooted in God, in whose image we are made. Dignity means that all humans, without qualification are equally invaluable. And while the Supreme Court's Dobbs ruling says that states can restrict abortion, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution says that all people ought to be equally protected under the law and the 5th Amendment says that no one should be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

Democrats understand this and so use abortion as a magnet to reorient their dystopian moral compass.

Conservative Republicans need to rise above mere opinions on abortion, appealing to God and the better part of the ailing American conscience if they are going to compete with Democrat emotional propaganda.

Conservative candidates also need to talk about the criminality of the abortion industry. They need to raise awareness that pro-abortion rights politicians in charge of the Democratic Party are not just ignoring the crimes against women and girls but exploiting them, hoping no one will ask any follow up questions like: 

Who except rapists and pro-abortion politicians believe abortion is the solution to rape? Or why is the abortion industry silent on sex crime? Or why is large-scale illicit chemical abortion trafficking going unchecked by the FBI and DOJ?

The original rule of law, the law of God found in the Old Testament, provides us with a helpful corrective and warning which I believe fits with the American abortion problem:  "You shall not follow the masses in doing evil, nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after a multitude in order to pervert justice… do not kill the innocent or the righteous, for I will not acquit the guilty" (Exodus 23:2, 7).

And that's the hard truth.

The Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, an anti-abortion medical network based in Buffalo, New York, is married with 10 children. He passionately exposes unequal enforcement of the law and immoral public policy. Read more of the Rev. Jim Harden's Reports — Here.

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Republicans need to find a way to unite their boilerplate talking points of crime, inflation and border security into a moral vision for America, a vision respecting mankind that includes everyone, from the womb to the tomb.
conservative candidates, anti abortion, god
Wednesday, 07 February 2024 12:18 PM
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