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Warming the Demographic Winter and the Coming Tectonic Geo-political Power Shifts

portrait of happy smiling chinese family in the park
(Shannon Fagan/

Rev. Jim Harden By Wednesday, 14 February 2024 03:34 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

China's demographic cliff is fast approaching. Its population plateaued with zero growth in 2021. It declined for the first time on record in 2022. That new downward trend continued in 2023 with .03 percent fewer people in 2024 than in 2023. This decline implies an aging population base.

As the fertility rate drops, now at an average of 1.5 babies per woman, the average age of the population increases. This dynamic puts strain on the shrinking workforce to support an ever-increasing elderly population. Given all the Maoist/communists in America these days, it is worth noting that there is no sustainable economic model, capitalist or otherwise, for a flat or fleeting population base.

It is likely that Chinese Communist Party members are well aware of the looming economic disaster. Why? Because the basic unit of any economy is not a Yuan. The basic unit of an economy is a person. People are not consumers. People are producers.

Those in power are keenly aware of this truth. There is no government, no power, no political ideology to promote or enforce without two things: people and their consent to be governed.

What is the reason for China's demographic sunset? No one wants to get married and have babies. Chinese Party population control tactics instituted during the cultural revolution reduced the nation's fertility rate below population replacement (2.1) to 1.5. Now the trick is to reverse that trend.

For years, Chinese officials have been concerned about the long-term negative ramifications of an aging population, including the crushing economic impact of fewer workers supporting greater numbers of elderly. Now, after relaxing the one child policy and providing incentives for couples to marry and have children, it appears the cultural revolution may be complete — Chinese people do not want to have babies.

Chinese Party officials recognize that to survive, it will need to find a fountain of youth. Apart from repeating Mao's mass starvation killing upward of 47 million people or taking a play from New York's playbook exposing the elderly population to COVID, the only humane way is to re-instill a pro-family culture.

One way Chinese Party members are attempting to right the nation's upside-down demographic triangle is to restrict elective abortion, one source reporting abortions on the rise in China, now as many as 13 million per year. But restricting abortion in an overly aggressive fashion runs the risk of the Chinese Party admitting it made a mistake in its  one-child policy, including their brutal forced abortion tactics. But eating crow is not the communist way.

Somehow Chinese Party officials need to incentivize people to marry and start families again which requires more than restricting abortion. China must find a way to spark a moral flame amongst the masses, seeing purpose in the pain or sacrifice inherent in parenting.

The Chinese Party must permit another cultural revolution. The atheistic Maoist Communist Party must take its boot off the neck of Christianity, allowing people to see an ultimate purpose to humanity beyond what government permits, a humanity not only connected to God but a humanity made in His image.

This Christianity through the message of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for a person's eternal salvation demonstrates both the inherent value of all people but also the value of parental suffering in children bearing and rearing.

This shift in thinking may not be feasible for Chinese Party members as communism requires a level of godlike governmental control over thought and behavior which Christianity rejects as dehumanizing and which many Christians feel compelled to disobey. Christianity makes for good citizens of a free nation, not one that pretends to be free.

Christianity also runs at odds with communism in the elevation of three types of relationships that supersede one's relationship with government; God, spouse and children. And often there are relationships with one's local community that may take priority over government too such as one's relationship with the local church.

This puts the average Christian's prioritization of government relationship down to fourth or fifth. Are Chinese Communist Party members willing to sacrifice this loss of power in order safeguard the life of their nation?

To make matters even more interesting, China's rival, the U.S., is in the same boat. Were it not for immigration, America's population engine would be stalled. We have recently been reminded that declining fertility rates combined with an excessive standard of living are correlated to the fall of the great Roman Empire.

China might be posturing for a global power grab but they cannot maintain it. And with America's fertility rates in the tank, neither can we. Unless America sacrifices her pleasure for a progeny, power will go to where the people are ... and it likely won't be China for long if at all.

And that's the hard truth.

The Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, an anti-abortion medical network based in Buffalo, New York, is married with 10 children. He passionately exposes unequal enforcement of the law and immoral public policy. Read more of the Rev. Jim Harden's Reports — Here.

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What is the reason for China's demographic sunset? No one wants to get married and have babies.
demographic, winter, tectonic, china
Wednesday, 14 February 2024 03:34 PM
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