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FBI Targets Peaceful Catholics for Potential Terrorism

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Rev. Jim Harden By Thursday, 11 January 2024 01:20 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

It turns out that the problem with the FBI targeting Catholics as potential violent extremists reaches far beyond a harmless internal memo leaked out of the Richmond, Virginia, field office. This in the face of FBI leadership's oathbound testimony before Congress to the contrary.

There has been evidence that a plan to spy was developed and deployed nationwide with field offices spanning from Richmond, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Los Angeles, California, to Portland, Oregon, the Antifa capital of the U.S.

According to Judicial Watch, the spying on U.S. Catholics reached into at least two other states. The watchdog group obtained nearly 100 pages, heavily redacted, from a Freedom of Information lawsuit revealing that the FBI's Office of General Counsel reviewed, and apparently approved of, the actions taken by the Richmond field office.

"These documents disprove the FBI's narrative that the spy operation against Catholics and churches was limited to one field office. In fact, the operation seems to have been approved by top lawyers in the FBI," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. "These documents should trigger a criminal inquiry into this Biden FBI scandal."

In February 2023, an FBI memo leaked titled, "Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities." If the title isn't scary enough, the position taken by the FBI is that being a traditional Catholic is a red flag for potential domestic terrorist activity.

The FBI tried to minimize the memo's implications and "quickly began taking action to remove the document from FBI systems and conduct a review of the basis for the document."

Over the summer, FBI Director Christopher Wray told the House Judiciary Committee that the memo and its impact was limited to a single office. This leaves the logical mind with two possible conclusions: Either Wray lied to Congress under oath or he doesn't know what his agency is doing.

If he lied, just how deep does the rabbit hole of FBI corruption go? If he does not know what his agency is doing, his ignorance categorically disqualifies him from leadership.

If the House Judiciary is interested in returning the DOJ and FBI to equal enforcement of the law per the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, they should start by instantly impeaching FBI Director Wray and his boss Attorney General Merrick Garland. After all, holding federal law enforcement accountable is a statutory oversight requirement of Congress.

In addition to the recent discoveries from the lawsuit, the House Judiciary Committee also found other offices were involved in this targeting of Catholics.

"Contrary to statements under oath by [Wray] and [Garland], this flagrantly anti-Catholic program by the FBI was widespread, fully supported by senior officials, authorized undercover agents to infiltrate Catholic parishes, attempted to influence elections, and may be ongoing," said former Kansas GOP Rep. Tim Huelskamp, and senior adviser to CatholicVote.

"Meanwhile, the Biden administration has stood idly by as Catholic churches have been attacked more than 200 times since May of 2022."

Presuming Wray and Garland are not ignorant but complicit, perhaps the House Judiciary Committee should vote, finding both in contempt of Congress? And since matters like this are generally referred to the Department of Justice and those men are key leaders thereof, the conflict of interest would require they both be held by the sergeant-at-arms.

The left has weaponized the federal government against its political enemies, real and imagined. A time of persecution for Christians is upon us, and it is coming not from foreign governments but from our own.

And while federal law enforcement attacks peaceful Catholics in order to publicly marginalize Christians, that same federal law enforcement regime gives tacit support through abdication of their duty to pro-Hamas agitators committing violent acts against Jews, pro-abortion antifa terrorists to bomb Christian pro-life clinics, and Muslim leaders to radicalize their followers.

These are domestic terrorist groups and actions that are happening now. The DOJ and FBI don't have to make suppositions about their past actions or future intent to dismantle and destroy America's nation-state.

If the feds are using political sleight of hand to falsely accuse as terrorists peaceful, God-loving, American patriots with Judeo-Christian, free-market core values, then the problem is bigger than Wray and Garland. The problem points to a silent coup d'Ă©tat, using law and law enforcement to undermine America's constitutional rule of law.

If this is the case, then the actions of those involved at the DOJ, FBI, DHS, as well as those within the Biden administration represent treason. An investigation should be conducted and the guilty charged with high crimes and misdemeanors.

It would seem the people we need to watch out for are cloaked in FBI jackets. On the one hand, if they really think Catholics are potential terrorists then the FBI is a band of Barney Fifes who need to be relieved of their duty. Looking upon real domestic terrorism as simply peaceful protesting would further underscore their collective idiocy.

On the other hand, if they know Catholics are not terrorists while pursuing them as such anyway, while at the same time turning a blind eye to the people espousing and practicing real violence, then local law enforcement and sheriffs nationwide should cease all cooperation with the FBI and instead begin protecting their citizens from their federal abuse of power — a violation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.

And to defang the FBI, Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., should encourage the House of Representatives to defund them.

And that's the hard truth.

The Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, an anti-abortion medical network based in Buffalo, New York, is married with 10 children. He passionately exposes unequal enforcement of the law and immoral public policy. Read more of the Rev. Jim Harden's Reports — Here.

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The position taken by the FBI is that being a traditional Catholic is a red flag for potential domestic terrorist activity.
fbi, terrorist, catholic, persecution
Thursday, 11 January 2024 01:20 PM
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