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Restoring Civil Order Will Cure America's Moral Maladies

united states presidency history politics

Image from the U.S. Library of Congress, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln sits for a portrait Feb. 5, 1865. Weeks before his second inaugural, and later, his assassination. (Alexander Gardner/U.S. Library of Congress via Getty Images)

Rev. Jim Harden By Thursday, 07 November 2024 02:31 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

Now that President Trump will be returning to the Oval Office, Republicans, Conservatives, and Christians should beware. Our nation's 16th President, Abraham Lincoln observed, "As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."

Now may seem the time to take a breather but it’s not the time to breathe easy.

Given current generational voting trends, this may be America’s last chance for creating the conditions to step back from the cliff of societal suicide.

The massive baby-boomer voting block sails to their sunset, their average age being 70 and the average life-expectancy 77.

That means by the time the next election rolls around many "boomers" will have passed the mantle of influence to their left-leaning and larger millennial progeny, unless that generation grows out of foolishness as we did.

In America, we are enduring a "marshmallow morality," one driving inhumane policies. Edicts shamefully handed down in the name of human dignity and equality.

In the eyes of some, the purpose of man and the dignity of man is no longer rooted in the belief we are made in the image of our Creator with the inherent dignity of such a being.


The new yardstick, redefining those basic moral ideas of dignity, equality, and freedom is the fulfillment of largely self-focused, individualized, immediate desires, instant gratifications to either achieve pleasure or avoid pain.

The elected (self-appointed?) representatives of this new moral mob, leverage the coercive power of government to create and safeguard fabricated rights (such as Abortion) for fantasy classes of people (such as Transgendered individuals).

This backyard campfire of individualized, godless morality is transmuting into a prairie fire, roasting the marshmallows of civilized order so the masses can binge on moral "Poop S'mores."

The scorched stick of government enforcement serves only to reinforce the hopeless and flawed belief that there is no purpose for humanity except what the individual gives oneself. Life results in despair as the rotten core of hyper-individualism betrays the vacuous belief that humanity is a cosmic accident and is going nowhere.

So, "let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we die." How can that inward gaze hope to appreciate the vistas of human good? How can the cult-of-me make sacrifices for a future generation?

Without the belief in the lodestone truth hailed in our Declaration of Independence, that there is a Creator in whose image we are made, a person’s purpose and value is whatever that person assigns himself.

Once this thought cancer anchors itself in the body politic, it spreads to all other social systems making for mechanical medicine, Darwinian education, entertainment-only media, ever-centralizing government, and God-denying woke churches.

This insistence on the individual as the moral center of society severs the human mind from reality, creating radically divergent moralities with competing rights, over which the government now must arbitrate-think here of the cultural boxing match between the God-given unalienable right to life of a preborn baby versus the government fabricated freedom of Abortion.

We are telling ourselves that we are our own creator, our own god.

Government cannot fix this moral bomb nor clean up the debris field as we fictionalize genders and kill the next generation before they take their first breath . . . all in the name of freedom and equality.

But, while government is downstream of culture and cannot effect moral change to re-humanize society, it can remove some of the obstacles that reward evil and punish good, making straight the way for a return of righteousness, which includes punishing wickedness.

To create conditions so that right beliefs and right behavior can hold sway once more in the Modern West I submitted a 12-Point Plan to Cure America’s Moral Malady. The following are just a few of the top points in the plan:

  1. Create a Personhood Act/Amendment, constitutionally respecting the life of all humans from fertilization to natural death.
  2. Unmuzzle America’s moral voice in the Church by repealing the Johnson Amendment (unconstitutionally forbidding free speech from the pulpit).
  3. Repeal the Unconstitutional FACE Act opening the door for civil and criminal litigation against those who prosecuted them unjustly in violation of the 5th Amendment and Establishment Clause and pardon all Pro-lifers imprisoned on FACE violations.
  4. Sequester Funds that aid abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood and abortion sanctuary states conspiring to violate federal law such as what was done in New York and California.

Congratulations to President Trump.

Many are grateful for the heroic display of fighting spirit while under fire from so many different sectors of a secular fundamentalist regime and sycophantic media.

The Rev. Jim Harden is CEO of CompassCare, an anti-abortion medical network based in Buffalo, New York. He is married with 10 children. Recently his medical center was firebombed by anti-abortion activists. Read more of his reports Here.

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Republicans, Conservatives, and Christians should beware. Our nation's 16th President, Abraham Lincoln observed, "As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide."
lincoln, societal, suicide
Thursday, 07 November 2024 02:31 PM
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