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Left Needs to Face Truth, Letting Women Be Women

xx xy on blocks

Rev. Jim Harden By Friday, 28 June 2024 12:51 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

According to the left, we need to support women and provide them their own safe spaces and accommodations such as women's sports, where men aren't allowed — unless those men are transgender. In that case, if you support women, you're a bigot, a transphobe, and probably a half dozen or more slurs that the left can come up with.

What they can't come up with is a way around biology. The truth is in the chromosomes. XX chromosomes are found in females, and XY chromosomes are found in males.

Jennifer Sey's women's clothing brand, XX-XY Athletics, states this quite simply. It doesn't get political. Most of the clothing just bears the XX-XY Athletics logo. The clothing doesn't make a political statement.

Yet it scares the left because of the sentiment behind the clothing. As the brand's website states: "It is simply undeniable that sex matters, especially in sport. It is the single biggest determinant of athletic performance. Men and women are different. It's just a fact. Men have XY chromosomes and more testosterone which makes them stronger and faster.

"It is simply unfair and dangerous at times, to allow males (XY) to compete in girls and women's (XX chromosomes) sports.

"For women to be recognized as champions and simply to be afforded the chance to compete on an even playing field — and avail themselves of all of the vast educational and developmental opportunities that competing in sports provides — women's sports need to remain female."

Besides being something Sey believes in, it is a good business decision. "The most recent Gallup poll shows that 70% of Americans agree with us," Sey told OutKick. "I actually would venture to guess it's higher than that. People are even afraid to answer an anonymous poll 'wrong.'" 

Not that that matters to TikTok. The social media platform has jumped into the business of censoring and banning content. In this case, it banned XX-XY Athletics advertisements after just two days. Sey said she believes it is because the ad shows transgender athletes who identify as girls injuring female athletes in competition.

While companies have the right to censor what is on their platforms, that right is a double-edged sword because they also want the protections afforded news platforms that deliver the news (supposedly) impartially. By putting their "thumb on the scale" so to speak, social media platforms move away from being a news platform and from the protections offered.

You can't have it both ways.

With this issue, in particular, TikTok opens itself to claims of discrimination against women. As Paula Scanlan, a former teammate of transgender athlete Lia Thomas at the University of Pennsylvania, wrote, "We've normalized discrimination against women and girls." 

The left knows it is in a weak position with this issue because they have to choose between two liberal issues. They will be criticized no matter which way they turn, so lacking a strong argument to support many of their positions, the left instead strives to silence opposing opinions like a child covering his eyes with his hands, believing is he can’t see you, you must be invisible.

They need to lower their hands and accept the truth even if it is a hard truth. 

The Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, an anti-abortion medical network based in Buffalo, New York, is married with 10 children. He passionately exposes unequal enforcement of the law and immoral public policy. Read more of the Rev. Jim Harden's Reports — Here.

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According to the left, we need to support women and provide them their own safe spaces and accommodations such as women's sports, where men aren't allowed — unless those men are transgender.
transgender, sports, tiktok, ban
Friday, 28 June 2024 12:51 PM
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