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Critical Race Theory, and the Poisoning of Society

us president donald trump debate cleveland ohio

U.S. President Donald Trump participates in the first presidential debate against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden at the Health Education Campus of Case Western Reserve University on Sept. 29, 2020 in Cleveland, Ohio. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Rob Schmitt By Monday, 05 October 2020 10:01 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

During the first presidential debate moderator Chris Wallace asked the president, "This month, your administration directed federal agencies to end racial sensitivity training that addresses white privilege or critical race theory. Why did you decide to do that, to end racial sensitivity training?"

To the uninformed, Wallace made the president look like a racist just by asking this question.

Why would a president end racial sensitivity training?

Well the short answer, the "sensitivity training" is combating imagined racism. . .  with actual racism.

When you get a few minutes, Google "Critical Race Theory," and take a deep dive.

The idea is essentially that the United States is a racist, white supremacist country.

It explains that the problem is endemic and systemic in this country.

White supremacy is everywhere.

Critical race theory says minorities deal with racism and white supremacy in everything from education and job hunting, to everyday actions as simple as going to the grocery store. Critical race theory claims our entire legal system is in place to uphold white supremacy and keep minorities down.

This is not racial sensitivity training.

This is an indoctrination, and it’s happening in our government, in our private companies’ HR departments, and at schools and universities nationwide.

CRT claims that if you’re white, you are privileged and have been given the keys to success by a racist nation that will keep your minority competition in its place.

Does that sound like the America you live in?

The reality is, this country is falling all over itself to give minorities equal opportunities.

The truth of the matter is critical race theory is poison for our society, and right now we are drinking it up.

BLM/ANTIFA are entirely based on this doctrine.

And much like other agendas of these leftist groups (defund the police), critical race theory will destroy the people it’s designed to save.

This theory is being widely pushed in our schools and universities by leftist teachers and professors. Young minority children are being taught they live in a racist society, that they’ll never have a fair shot, that they’re destined to live in a sub-class of the all-powerful white majority.

Young white kids are being told they’re oppressors, made to feel awful and embarrassed for the color of their skin and their racist heritage.

Think about what that does to a kid?

If you’re black you might as well give up now and resign yourself to the same life you were born into. Don’t try to get ahead, its hopeless, the system will never allow it.

If you’re white, live in shame.

It’s a horrible lie designed to indoctrinate society into voting radical change into this country. This is all about power. For years the far left has been placing its people in positions of importance in the media, politics, and universities. These people are smart, even if their agenda is completely idiotic.

Critical race theory is designed to make people hate this country.

The president is actively working to destroy CRT because he sees how damaging it will be to the nation, and to minority communities he’s worked so hard to lift up with jobs and opportunity.

The far left does not want these people working. The far left wants them at home, on the dole, and voting for more government, more welfare, and more misery.

Keep a close eye on what your kids are being taught at school. Sit back and think about the "racial sensitivity training" your company now requires you to take.

Race is just another tool being used by the left to kill capitalism and replace it with a more "fair system" where we are all equally poorer and more miserable.

Rob Schmitt joined Newsmax in September 2020 to host the 10pm show. Rob has worked at nearly every major news network throughout his career including NBC, CBS, two ABC affiliates and most recently as the 5am anchor at Fox News Channel. Rob’s experience working in media and in multiple large news markets including New York, Los Angeles, and Miami give him a unique perspective for opinion writing. Read Rob Schmitt's Reports —​ More Here.

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Race is just another tool being used by the left to kill capitalism and replace it with a more "fair system" where we are all equally poorer and more miserable.
crt, critical, theory, wallace
Monday, 05 October 2020 10:01 AM
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