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Just Like That, Media Rolls Over Then Dies


 (Denis Vdovichenko/

Rob Schmitt By Thursday, 22 October 2020 02:14 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

This week National Public Radio (NPR), purportedly a "news organization," paid for with your money (listener support), told its viewers it won’t be covering the Hunter Biden laptop story because they "don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions."

This is no joke, it actually happened.

NPR made this statement after the FBI confirmed that the laptop in question belonging to Hunter Biden was in their possession, was not part of a Russian disinformation campaign, and was being looked at as part of a money laundering investigation.

This is a massive story.

What’s inside Hunter Biden’s laptop may be a roadmap of how the Biden’s have allegedly used "Big Guy" Joe Biden’s political career to make a fortune by selling his power to foreign governments like China.

Joe Biden is very likely to win the election on Nov. 3. He appears corrupt, and the media is helping him win.

This is how regimes are formed.

It's crystal clear as to what's happened. Donald Trump made enemies with a media always leaning Left. Now the gloves have come off.

The media in this country has tremendous power.

It's truly incredible President Trump’s approval rating isn’t 5% right now.

For the last four years they’ve run nothing but negative stories about this president.

Literally anything they could find negative, was rushed to print and broadcast.

Journalistic standards have declined to the lowest depths possible.

These organizations don’t double-confirm stories anymore, not even single-confirm.

They just pin it on the organization that first reported the story and throw it out into the mix.

It's been four years of anti-Trump pandemonium, take no prisoners, destroy the president.

But of course the free-wheeling, salacious reporting all came to a screeching halt when Hunter Biden’s laptop was discovered.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC)-controlled media suddenly had insanely high journalistic standards it must adhere to.

The problem for them is this annoying little story just keeps getting more and more credible.

Now, its harder and harder for them to ignore without an excuse that sounds completely idiotic.

On Thursday the president went around CBS and aired this coming Sunday’s "60 Minutes" interview in full. Leslie Stahl is heard talking to Trump about the Hunter laptop story and she’s fighting as hard as she can to discredit it, saying the laptop came from Rudy Giuliani and can’t be confirmed.

When she made that statement, it was technically true. Not anymore.

The laptop is Hunter’s, and now Hunter’s former business associate claims that the "Big Guy" who gets 10% of the China deal was Joe Biden.

Did that change anything? Nope.

This is scary. Really scary.

In China, the media doesn’t dare speak ill of Xi Jinping.

In America the media doesn’t dare speak ill of Joe Biden.

Do not underestimate the power of this moment.

The media that embraced the Steele Dossier like its true love, is now running away full-speed from a much more damning and credible story about Joe Biden.

This is full on corruption.

The media has decided that Trump is so awful that he must be removed at all costs.

They’re giving up decades of credibility to do so.

All signs now point to Joe Biden as a seriously questionable politician.

It's one thing if you’re getting greased by the French, but China?

Is there a bigger threat to the West and our livelihoods right now than China?

Joe and Hunter Biden have been allied with a country that wants to destroy the United States and become the supreme global power.

But as Joe would say, "they’re not bad folks, folks!"

Rob Schmitt joined Newsmax in September 2020 to host the 10pm show. Rob has worked at nearly every major news network throughout his career including NBC, CBS, two ABC affiliates and most recently as the 5am anchor at Fox News Channel. Rob’s experience working in media and in multiple large news markets including New York, Los Angeles, and Miami give him a unique perspective for opinion writing. Read Rob Schmitt's Reports —​ More Here.

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Joe and Hunter Biden have been allied with a country that wants to destroy the United States and become the supreme global power.
fbi, laptop, listener, npr, support
Thursday, 22 October 2020 02:14 PM
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