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America Matchless, Let's Vote to Keep It That Way

matchless united states on many fronts

(Oleksandr Pyvovarov/

Scott Powell By Monday, 04 November 2024 03:38 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

(Editor's Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party, or candidate, on the part of Newsmax.) 

Many regard our looming Nov. 5 election as the most important phase of America’s history.

Why that statement is true and why every citizen needs to vote warrants additional clarity.

People may forget that America is matchless on many fronts.

Prior to the birth of America with its Founding documents — the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution — it was the state who determined subjects’ rights.

Those rights could change at the whim of whoever wielded government power.

The world lived in shades of darkness, until the light came --- through America.

There were times and places in human history when there were nation states of cultural achievement, such as in Periclean Athens, in the Florence of the Medicis, and in England of Elizabeth and Shakespeare.

But none were Founded the way America was.

The United States is the only country in the entire history of humankind that was specifically established on ideas and principles, rather than blood lineage, language, common culture, and the spoils of war.

And those Founding ideas came out of the Bible and reformed Christianity, making America the first country codifying its governing documents in the belief that all people are created equal, that they have God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

And because these rights are sacred and unalienable, they cannot be infringed upon or taken away by the state.

When this is fully grasped, it becomes more understandable why the Democratic Party removed reference to "God" from their Party platform 12 years ago when Barack Obama was running for a second term.

Removing God from the Party platform erases the precept that citizens and the unborn have God-given rights.

It shifts the locus of legitimacy back to the governing elites, away from the people.

George Washington was prescient about how corruption could undermine the constitutional order of America, especially when politics get involved.

He specifically addressed this in his 1796 Farewell Address:

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government."

Many feel that the Nov. 5 election should rightly be a referendum on corruption and misuse of power, specifically the Biden-Harris administration's perceived abuse of power.


The exposure of alleged malfeasance of some members of the Biden family — during and after the time Joe Biden served as vice-president — including allegations of appreciable amounts of money received from foreign governments. Notably from entities with purported connections to America’s number one enemy, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The adoption of an open border policy that enabled as many as 20 million illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. during the four-year Biden-Harris term, overwhelming our health and education welfare system, escalating the risk of terrorist attack on our soil, and increasing the likelihood of massive election irregularity.

The two-tiered justice system on display in the political prosecution of Donald Trump, the arrest and imprisonment of Jan. 6, 2021 protesters, as well as the instigation of open season lawfare, coupled with prison sentences on many on Trump’s first-term team.

The demoralization of the military starting with the mandatory imposition of (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) throughout the armed forces, which preceded the disastrous hasty retreat from Afghanistan in August 2021.

Thirteen U.S. soldiers were left for dead.

Some $85 billion of state-of-the-art military equipment was abandoned.

The halting of the Keystone Pipeline and curtailing oil and gas development on public lands — both of which contributed to the increase in the price of energy and all consumer goods.

Out-of-control deficit spending, money-printing, and borrowing, pushes the U.S. ever closer to insolvency and the demise of the dollar.

Ther immediate effect of which is spurring inflation in energy and food prices — with the greatest burden on the poor and lower classes, many of whom now find the essentials of daily living unaffordable.

The Democratic Party claims they are the party defending democracy, repeatedly show an affinity for violence and riots.

We saw that in the Obama administration and then again with Trump’s election in 2016. Democratic operatives torched various parts of Washington, D.C. during the Jan. 2017 inauguration.

In 2020 as we were in the initial stages of COVID-19, the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota triggered Democratic activists, together with their allies in Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, to inflict several billion dollars of property damage and destruction on numerous major U.S. cities.

In this environment of fear, Democratic activists and lawyers exploited the opportunity to change many of swing states’ voting rules, protocols, and procedures, expanding absentee voting, allowing for the use ballot drop-boxes and extending deadlines for counting ballots.

Were these measures taken for the purpose of vote rigging?

Fear not, for America remains remarkable and unique.

The people now better understand that they are sovereign and must change the course of their nation. It may be that God allowed all the chaos of the last four years to happen to wake up, educate, and inform Americans.

There is no excuse for "sitting this one out," on Tues. Nov. 5.

Scott S. Powell, a member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China and senior fellow at Discovery Institute, is the author of "Rediscovering America," a new release in the history genre. You may reach him at Read Scott S. Powell's Reports — More Here.

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The people now better understand that they are sovereign and must change the course of their nation. It may be that God allowed all the chaos of the last four years to wake up and educate Americans. There is no excuse for "sitting this one out," on Tues. Nov. 5. 
christianity, constitution, declaration
Monday, 04 November 2024 03:38 PM
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