The new 49 star American flag is rolling off the assembly lines in ever increasing numbers and the Dettra plant, one of the largest, with a force of 240 is at work filling orders, March 2, 1959, Oaks, Pa. At the Dettra plant, Judy Buse, left, and Mamie Myers check a completed flag for loose threads and other possible defects before shipment. Orders are flooding in a company spokesman said and it will take a year to fill all the orders. The nations flag making plants are working full force to fill the demand. It takes several minutes to several hours to complete one flag, depending on the type of flag. A printed flag may require months in the preparation of the rollers from which the flag is printed, but once they enter into production thousands of the printed flags roll off in minutes. A sown flag may require several hours to make. No one person makes an entire flag. (AP Photo/WI)