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200-Year-Old Shipwreck Found in Lake Erie

200-Year-Old Shipwreck Found in Lake Erie
Shipwreck in Lake Michigan with a carved masthead. (Ethan Daniels/

Wednesday, 25 April 2018 07:56 AM EDT

A 200-year-old shipwreck in Lake Erie, dated by explorers to the schooner Lake Serpent, will be excavated this summer to verify if there's a carving of a serpent's head in the bow.

The remains size, design and location point toward it being the Lake Serpent, which sank in 1829, said the National Museum of the Great Lakes in Toledo.

That would make it one of the oldest wrecks ever discovered on Lake Erie, the shallowest of the Great Lakes, where violent storms whip up in a hurry. The lake is home to hundreds of wreckage sites.

To determine whether the latest discovery is indeed the Lake Serpent, divers will first need to get a closer look at the wreckage and move away the sediment covering part of the ship.

"Because it's so small, that makes it very, very old," said Tom Kowalczk, who spotted the wreckage on his sonar screen in the summer of 2015. "That puts it way back to an early time frame and really limits the possibilities."

Members of the Cleveland Underwater Explorers and the museum have been digging through historical records and newspaper clippings to come up with the names of vessels it might be.

They've narrowed the list to three, with the Lake Serpent being the most likely answer, said Carrie Snowden, the museum's archaeology director.

"That's our working theory," she said.

The schooner was built in 1821 in Cleveland at a time when the city had less than 1,000 residents. Its job was to carry cargo — produce, flour, whiskey, limestone — to ports along the lakes.

It went down eight years later with a load of stone and a small crew near Kelleys Island off the Ohio shoreline.

The body of one crew member was spotted in the lake days later while the bodies of the captain and his brother washed up on the shore of Lorain County in the fall of 1829, according to a newspaper report.

The museum is raising money so that divers this summer can remove the sediment that surrounds the bow to see if they can find the serpent's head. They also plan to take measurements, examine how the ship was constructed and look for any artifacts that could identify the ship as the Lake Serpent.

"If it isn't that," said Snowden. "We just have to keep digging some more."

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A 200-year-old shipwreck in Lake Erie, dated by explorers to the schooner Lake Serpent, will be excavated this summer to verify if there's a carving of a serpent's head in the bow.
200-year-old, shipwreck, lake erie
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 07:56 AM
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