After two failed pregnancies, Alec Baldwin's wife, Hilaria, has given birth to their fifth child. The 36-year-old shared the happy news on Wednesday in an Instagram post that included a photo of her in a hospital bed, cradling their newborn baby, with Alec sitting by her side.
"We had a baby last night," she wrote. "He is perfect and we couldn’t be happier. Stay tuned for a name."
Hilaria, who shares daughter Carmen Gabriela, 6, and sons Romeo, almost 2, Leonardo, 3, and Rafael, 4, with Alec, suffered two miscarriages in April and November last year, according to The Sun. She openly announced the news of her second miscarriage to Instagram followers.
"We are very sad to share that today we learned that our baby passed away at 4 months. We also want you to know that even though we are not ok right now, we will be," she wrote.
"We are so lucky with our 4 healthy babies — and we will never lose sight of this. I told Carmen and took this so I could send it to Alec. I guess this is a good way to share it with you too. I told her that this baby isn’t going to come after all...but we will try very hard to give her a little sister another time."
She added: "I’m really devastated right now...I was not expecting this when I went to my scan today. I don’t know what else to say...I’m still in shock and don’t have this all quite clear."
Months later the couple excitedly announced that they were expecting again.
"Sound up...I’ll let the baby do the talking because I don’t have the words to express how this sound makes us feel," Hilaria wrote to Instagram.
"Just got the great news that all is well and all is healthy with this little munchkin. I wanted to share this with you. Here we go again."
Zoe Papadakis ✉
Zoe Papadakis is a Newsmax writer based in South Africa with two decades of experience specializing in media and entertainment. She has been in the news industry as a reporter, writer and editor for newspapers, magazine and websites.
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