The Holderness family of North Carolina decided to do something totally different for their annual family Christmas cards this year, so they made a viral video called "#Xmas Jammies."
Penn and Kim Holderness of Raleigh, N.C., uploaded the 3-minute clip to YouTube last week and it’s already well on its way to a million views. The "card" does exactly what a Christmas card should do — gives a brief update on each member of the family.
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But it's shot music video-style to Will Smith's uber-catchy "Miami" and features Dad, Mom, and kids Lola and Penn Jr. rapping in their "Xmas jammies."
"Dancing in the front yard, night and day, and the neighbors walk by this is what they say: 'Are those Christmas jammies?' They are Christmas jammies," dad Penn raps.
He then launches into a recap of what each family member achieved in 2013. Daughter Lola, 6, completed a triathlon and learned to play piano. Son Penn Jr., 4, likes superheroes and is taking a hip-hop class. Kim Holderness had a brief cameo in "Iron Man 3" and also finished the Raleigh Ironman triathlon. As for the patriarch of the Holderness family, Penn had a vasectomy and is leaving his job as an anchor at a local news channel to join his wife's
media and marketing startup, The Green Room.
"I think it’s a pretty honest look and a pretty ridiculous look into the craziness of a modern family,"
Kim Holderness told of the video's appeal. "We’re acting like fools and I’m guessing people like to see other people making fools of themselves. We don’t take ourselves too seriously."
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