Dustin Diamond, known for his role as Screech on "Saved by the Bell," was released from jail on Monday, a month early, after serving three months for carrying a concealed weapon and disorderly conduct.
Diamond, 38, earned his early release by working custodial maintenance at the Ozaukee County jail,
Reuters reported.
As celebrity gossip site TMZ put it, Diamond "scrubbed his way to freedom" by cleaning floors and doing laundry.
The voluntary "Jail Porter Program" offered Diamond one day of “good time” for every 24 hours worked,
WITI-TV reported. Overall, Diamond earned 30 days of good time.
Diamond was accused of stabbing a man with a switchblade knife during a Christmas-night fight in 2014 at the Grand Avenue Saloon in Port Washington, Wisconsin, resulting in a non-life-threatening wound.
Diamond said he pulled the knife to defend himself and his then-fiancée, Amanda Schutz, who was accused of pushing a woman who was harassing the couple. Schutz also was found guilty of disorderly conduct, and the two were ordered to pay $1,500 in restitution to the injured man.
A representative for the actor
told the New York Post’s Page Six that Diamond plans to tour with his standup act soon.
Twitter users largely welcomed his early release.
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