Groundskeeper Willie, Springfield Elementary's Scottish janitor on "The Simpsons," has voiced his support for his homeland's independence in a humorous viral video posted to YouTube last week, just days from the official referendum which could separate the country from the rest of the United Kingdom for good.
In the video, which garnered more than 2.5 million views over the weekend, Groundskeeper Willie touts Scotland's oil and the whisky-making abilities as reasons enough to be on the "right side" instead of the "obviously wrong side" of the
independence issues," according to the New York Daily News.
"For a leader who can stand in the great tradition of William Wallace and Andy Murray, won't ya consider the return of Scotland's prodigal son, Groundskeeper Willie?" the janitor says in the clip, adding that he would return to Scotland to run the new country. "Willie won't back down to world leaders, because I haven’t a clue who they are, and I'm not willin' to learn."
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Variety's Kevin Noonan said "The Simpsons" is known for taking its own twisted view of various cultural issues over its long, quarter-century run on television.
"This is not the first time the Fox animated series has ventured into political and social debates," Noonan wrote. "It has produced episodes on hot-button issues like gay rights and immigration. A Season Nine episode that deals with patriarch Homer's purchase of a gun allows the show to depict arguments for both sides of the gun rights debate."
Political polls have Scotland's vote for independence from the United Kingdom too close to call
going into this week's election, BBC News reported. Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond has called the election "a once in a generation opportunity," while British Prime Minister David Cameron has repeatedly asked that Scotland remain a part of the U.K.
Some online could not help but weigh on Groundskeeper Willie's commentary.
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