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7 Times the Liberal, Mainstream Media Bashed Hillary Clinton

7 Times the Liberal, Mainstream Media Bashed Hillary Clinton
Democratic U.S. presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton speaks at a "Latinos for Hillary" grassroots event October 15, 2015 in San Antonio, Texas. (Erich Schlegel/Getty Images)

By    |   Monday, 19 October 2015 11:22 AM EDT

Hillary Clinton had the best Democratic debate performance last week but, unlike her opponent Bernie Sanders, her polling hasn't improved, CNN reported Monday.

While she remains the Democratic frontrunner, Clinton has been repeatedly criticized by not only conservative media, but also leftist media outlets and journalists.

Gathered below are seven times Clinton has recently been gored by her own side.

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1. "Still a terrible candidate" — "Hate to spoil the party, everyone. But Hillary did not make herself queen last week," wrote on Monday. "Hillary Clinton's only electoral victories were in one of the most Democratic states in the country and against nobodies. She defeated an incompetent Republican backbencher, Rick Lazio, in 2000. In 2006, the New York State Republican Party sent John Spencer, mayor of Yonkers, to be its sacrificial lamb…Clinton has never beaten a first-class opponent. And nothing in her recent campaign should cause us to forget it."

2. Email-gate still a problem — On Sunday, the Los Angeles Times weighed in on Clinton's upcoming testimony to the House's Select Committee on Benghazi, writing that after months and months of the recurrent controversy, Clinton has "succeeded mostly in making herself look evasive" and "managed to hobble her own campaign."

3. "SNL" paints Clinton as roboticOn the most recent episode of "Saturday Night Live," comedian Kate McKinnon reprised her Clinton impression during parody of last week's Democratic debate. "I think you're really going to like the Hillary Clinton that my team and I have created for this debate," said McKinnon, mocking the former first lady's recent cratering in polls measuring her trustworthiness. "I mean 2008, of course I lost, I was running against a cool black guy. But I thought this year I got to be the cool black guy," she added, mocking Clinton's perceived attitude of entitlement to the presidency.

4. Clinton a flip-flopping opportunist
— In addition to the FBI investigation of her private email server, "It also remains to be seem how much of her movement on the issues was a genuine shift in a progressive direction, and how much reflects tactical feints necessitated by the more leftward mood of the Democratic electorate," wrote The Huffington Post. "She can profess opposition to the TPP trade deal without doing any real heavy lifting to try to defeat it. Classic Clinton, and she will probably get away with it."

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5. Clinton's State Dept. failed on cybersecurity
The Associated Press reported Monday that, "The State Department's compliance with federal cybersecurity standards was below average when Clinton took over but grew worse in each year of her tenure, according to an annual report card compiled by the White House based on audits by agency watchdogs." The new report is not directly related to the scandal over her private email server, however it is sure to exacerbate the perception that Clinton left the U.S. open to attack by America's enemies. "In each year from 2011 to 2014, the State Department's poor cybersecurity was identified by the inspector general as a 'significant deficiency' that put the department's information at risk."

6. Clinton's climate failure still haunts
— "About midway through the debate, Clinton staked her climate record on what's widely perceived to have been one of the biggest diplomatic failures in recent history — the Copenhagen climate summit in 2009," noted Mother Jones. "In reality, the sour legacy of Copenhagen has haunted international climate negotiations ever since . . . Among environmentalists, Clinton has retained only a mediocre reputation on climate change as a result."

7. Clinton's leftward lurch could hurt general election prospects — "We would be surprised if this obviously calculated positioning helped her enough in the Democratic primary season to justify the damage it would do to her general-election campaign," The Washington Post editorial board wrote after last week's debate. "Her challenge is to continue defending her approach to progressivism instead of watering it down with more concessions to loud activists in the Democratic base."

Editor's Note: Did Hillary Clinton Break the Law?

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Hillary Clinton had the best Democratic debate performance last week but, unlike her opponent Bernie Sanders, her polling hasn't improved, CNN reported Monday.
hillary clinton, bashed, liberal, mainstream, media
Monday, 19 October 2015 11:22 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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