Beauty and makeup guru James Charles is addressing allegations that he flirted with minors.
In a new video titled "holding myself accountable," the social media star apologized to those who were "affected" by his actions while admitting he needed to hold himself accountable.
In recent weeks, several boys have come forth on social media accusing Charles of sending them sexually explicit messages, explicit photos, and soliciting nude photos from them. Earlier this year, Charles defended himself on Twitter against one boy who he claimed had "an ulterior motive from the beginning." He said the boy sent "lewd photos of himself in the shower" and claimed to be 18. The boy denied lying about his age to Insider.
In his video, Charles said he owed a "massive apology to anybody that I've hurt or anybody that I've made uncomfortable with my actions," adding that the situation was "really embarrassing." He went on to say that he fully understood his actions and how they were wrong.
Charles then addressed two instances in which underage boys came forth, saying he sent them inappropriate messages on social media. Charles said he asked the two boys how old they were and, when he found out they were 16, later blocked them. When they came forth with allegations that he had been flirtatious with them, Charles said his first reaction was to fight back. But looking back he realized it was "so stupid." Since then several other boys have come forth with similar accusations and Charles said they had lied to him about their age, but he needed to take accountability.
"As I did more research on these topics and self-reflected, I realized that the receipts and the screenshots and the specific details of the interaction really don’t matter because I f***ed up, and I needed to take accountability for my actions and, most importantly, apologize to the people who were affected by them," he said in the video, explaining that the conversations should never have happened.
"To the guys involved in the situation, I want to say I’m sorry," he apologized. "I’m sorry that I added you, I’m sorry that I flirted with you, and I’m really sorry that I made you uncomfortable."
In the video, the YouTuber admitted he had used Instagram and TikTok as dating apps.
"That’s just not how dating works literally at all," he said. "It’s gross, it’s weird, and it’s desperation."
He then spoke about the power dynamic that can occur between him and his fans, which he at first did not understand.
"A power imbalance can happen even when it's not intentional," he said. "What I wasn't getting before is that the excitement that comes with talking to a celebrity is literally enough to make somebody do or say something that they normally wouldn't. Even if that celebrity isn't intentionally weaponizing their fame, money, or power. And that's the concept that I just wasn't getting, but I now do."
Zoe Papadakis ✉
Zoe Papadakis is a Newsmax writer based in South Africa with two decades of experience specializing in media and entertainment. She has been in the news industry as a reporter, writer and editor for newspapers, magazine and websites.