Jon Gosselin, the former reality show star of "Jon & Kate Plus 8," has reportedly been evicted from his Pennsylvania home after failing to pay rent for the last four months.
The alleged eviction is the latest setback for the Gosselin patriarch who has struggled since his divorce from ex-wife Kate in 2009.
Sources told Star magazine that Gosselin, 37, had signed a $299,000 rent-to-own agreement for a home in Pennsylvania but broke the terms of the contract by bouncing several checks and skipping rent.
"Jon didn't understand the terms of the contract and broke the lease, thinking he could just rent the property after agreeing to rent to own the contractual agreement," a source told Star. "Evidentially, he didn't understand the terms of the contract."
The former reality show star reportedly claims he was working with the bank and the homeowner to make good on the late rent payments.
"He acted like he had all this money," the source told Star magazine. "The owners tried to work with him and he'd get cocky and claim he could easily pay for the house in cash."
Gosselin's unstable home situation has made spending time with his
eight children very difficult, according to E! Online.
"The saddest part of it is he now has nowhere to take the kids," a source told the celebrity gossip site. "He's not allowed at the house, so he was taking them to his old apartment. But the new one is too small for eight children. It's heartbreaking."
Sources said Gosselin has struggled to maintain his lifestyle and make money now that he is no longer a reality show star.
"The job at the credit card company he was working for didn't pan out," a source said. "The anticipated income wasn't there and the situation deteriorated."
Gosselin was reportedly fired from his job as a waiter at a Pennsylvania bar after "blowing off shifts and coming in late."
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