"Jurassic Park 4," officially titled "Jurassic World," now has a 15-second trailer teaser, with the full trailer expected later this week.
Jurassic fanatics will recognize the classic musical theme, here rendered minimally, with a dose of prescient melancholy.
The Hollywood Reporter noted the frustrating brevity of the clip, saying, "While the concept of a teaser for a trailer has become more popular in recent years to the chagrin of some movie fans, this one hits all the right notes."
No matter your opinion of the trailer teaser format, you won't have to wait too long, however, to see the full trailer — as it debuts on Thanksgiving Thursday at 9 p.m.
From the short smash cuts it's easy to see that since 1993, CGI has gotten nearly perfect. From the raptors to the futuristic hamster ball-vehicles park visitors use to tour the facilities, the images are stunning. The movie, which hits theaters in June, is said to take place 7 years after the closure of the first Jurassic Park, after the debris has been cleaned up, and the dinosaurs have been corralled into a new, supposedly more secure park, dubbed Jurassic World.
Also exciting is a new cast that includes Chris Pratt, whose career exploded with the success of summer tent pole "Guardians of the Galaxy."
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