A Kurt Cobain documentary premiered at the Sundance Film Festival over the weekend, bringing together the rocker’s daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, and her mother, Courtney Love, in their first public together appearance in years.
The mother and daughter pair have squabbled for years, sometimes publicly, but they were all hugs and
smiles at the documentary premiere, E! Online said. Cobain, 22, was a visual artist and director for the movie, titled “Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck.”
Love, 50, tweeted to her daughter about the movie:
She also posted a photo of the two of them on Instagram:
In 2009, then-17-year-old Cobain left Love and chose to go
live with her grandmother, People reported. At the time, there were speculations that Love had relapsed into drug use, but attorney Keith Fink told the magazine that was untrue.
"Courtney's been clean for years and is perfectly fine," Fink told People at the time. "This is simply about Frances preferring to live with her grandmother at this time. Frances is 17 and a strong-willed child, and this is a decision she made on her own. No matter what, Courtney loves her daughter more than anything in the world.”
The two were often seen out together until a few years ago, E Online said. But problems ensued online, with Love taking to Twitter in 2012 to accuse Foo Fighters' frontman Dave Grohl of hitting on her teenager.
At the time, Cobain told E Online, "While I'm generally silent on the affairs of my biological mother, her recent tirade has taken a gross turn. I have never been approached by Dave Grohl in more than a platonic way. I'm in a monogamous relationship and very happy.”
Mom and daughter angst aside,
Rolling Stone reported that the documentary stunned the audience.
“You get the sense that Kurt would have liked this. As for his fans, be prepared to meet the man you admire, warts and all,” the magazine said.
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