The Lammily doll, also known as the "normal Barbie," created by artist Nickolay Lamm is ready for sale.
A crowdfunding campaign helped Lamm create the doll, which includes typical body proportions of a 19-year-old woman and can be accessorized with a sticker add-on pack that includes cellulite, stretch marks, freckles, acne, glasses, mosquito bites, and more.
The doll’s online purchase price is $24.99, with the stickers, called Lammily marks, costing $5.99.
"I feel that, right now, dolls are very 'perfect' looking, when, in real life, few of us have perfect skin,"
Lamm told The Huffington Post. "So, why not give dolls a 'real treatment?' Things like acne, stretch marks, and cellulite are a natural part of who we are."
The doll came about as the result of a July 2013 art project to create a normal-looking, Barbie-like doll and parents and kids began to ask where they could buy them.
“I wanted to show that reality is cool,” Lamm told Time. “And a lot of toys make kids go into fantasy, but why don’t they show real life is cool? It’s not perfect, but it’s really all we have. And that’s awesome.”
Lamm created a video that imagines the doll as a fashion model getting the Photoshop treatment to become more like a traditional Barbie doll, ending with the tagline “time to get real.”
Twitter users shared mixed reactions.
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