The popular Nickelodeon cartoon series "Paw Patrol" has come under fire from protesters who are outraged at how the show portrays police in a positive light while thousands are taking to the streets to call for an end to police brutality following the death of George Floyd.
The popular children's show focuses on a cartoon German Sheperd police dog and his crew of search and rescue dogs that work to protect the community of Adventure Bay. However, critics have slammed the show and its "propaganda."
The outrage was sparked when creators of "Paw Patrol" recently announced on Twitter that they would be muting all content until June 7 "in solidarity of #amplifymelanatedvoices" in order to "give access for Black voices to be heard so we can continue to listen and further our learning."
It was not long before social media users were posting scathing comments in reply the tweet.
"Your show has police propaganda in it so idk," one follower wrote.
"defund the paw patrol," another wrote, while others said, "i hope the cop dog falls into a toaster," "euthanise chase," and "arrest and prosecute Chase."
New York Times writer Amanda Hess wrote about the topic at length.
"It's a joke, but it's also not. As the protests against racist police violence enter their third week, the charges are mounting against fictional cops, too. Even big-hearted cartoon police dogs — or maybe especially big-hearted cartoon police dogs — are on notice," she wrote. "The effort to publicize police brutality also means banishing the good-cop archetype, which reigns on both television and in viral videos of the protests themselves. 'Paw Patrol' seems harmless enough, and that's the point: The movement rests on understanding that cops do plenty of harm."
Zoe Papadakis ✉
Zoe Papadakis is a Newsmax writer based in South Africa with two decades of experience specializing in media and entertainment. She has been in the news industry as a reporter, writer and editor for newspapers, magazine and websites.
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