"Amazing America," a new show featuring Sarah Palin on The Sportsman Channel, will honor the “red, wild, and blue” outdoors.
The show will begin airing in April 2014, featuring stories about personalities and adventures in hunting, fishing, and shooting.
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"It's very important to have somebody of her stature as a personality on Sportsman because it validates the whole category for everybody,"
Gavin Harvey, Sportsman Channel network chief, told The Associated Press about Palin.
In a
news release, he also called the conservative Republican "a sportswoman, humanitarian, and patriot who has visited every corner of the USA," and said "there is no one more qualified to host 'Amazing America' than Sarah Palin.”
The Sportsman Channel ordered 12 shows, the AP said.
Palin has starred on several TV shows since she ran for vice president in 2008, including “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” a show that ran on TLC from November 2010 to January 2011.
Palin, an NRA supporter and avid hunter, recently posed for pictures with the “Duck Dynasty” show stars and
posted them on her Facebook page.
She also
announced the new show on Facebook, saying, “We've been blessed with opportunities to travel all across America and experience inspiration! We've seen some wild places, met some wild people, and "amazing" is one word that comes to mind wherever the road takes us. It’s your turn to be inspired!”
A promo pic for the show hinted at upcoming content with the words, “A grizzly is unpredictable and we’ve got the mother of them all!”
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