“The Simpsons” aired its 600th episode, “Treehouse of Horror XXVIII,” on Sunday, more than 25 years after the 1989 debut of the animated series.
The 600th episode was the Fox series’ annual Halloween episode, ABC News noted. And the episode, like the others, was broken up into three different segments; “Dry Hard,” a “Hunger Games” spoof and “Moefinger.”
The show — about dad Homer, mom Marge, and kids Lisa, Bart, and Maggie — became known to be crude at times and a very funny portrayal of family life. Executive producer Al Jean called it “perfect thing at the perfect time,” according to CNN.
“It was about a family and it was written in an adult manner where people could relate to it no matter who they were,” Jean told CNN in a recent interview. “And since then, we’ve just worked incredibly hard.”
“The Simpsons,” which came out after other cartoons like “The Jetsons” and “The Flintstones” were booming on primetime TV, is now existing in a different TV landscape, sharing the stage with popular cartoons like “Family Guy” and “South Park.”
Despite its competition though, “The Simpsons” is one of only two scripted primetime shows to reach such a milestone, according to BBC.
“Gunsmoke” is the only other show to reach a 600th episode, after running for 20 seasons from 1955 to 1975, BBC noted. It holds the record with 635 total episodes.
However, that record could be surpassed if the Fox series is renewed for another season. If that happens, then "The Simpsons" should have the record sometime in 2018 when episode 16 of season 29 airs, according to BBC.
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