"Tron 3," the sequel to Disney's "Tron: Legacy," is not moving forward, but fans of the computer-game sci-fi aren't taking its demise lying down and took out a Change.org petition that has more than 10,000 signatures so far.
Forbes' David Gonzales wrote that the failure of George Clooney's $190 million-budgeted "Tomorrowland" at the box office over the Memorial Day weekend may have spooked Disney executives enough to kill plans for "Tron 3." The Clooney movie has made $63 million domestically and $70 million overseas in its first two weeks,
according to Box Office Mojo.com.
"'Legacy' ended up grossing a little over $400 million worldwide on a rumored $170 million dollar budget, so the possibility of a sequel had always been on the periphery of Disney’s mind," said Gonzalez. "However, it appears that the soft Memorial Day Weekend box office reception of 'Tomorrowland' has Disney backing off any future science fiction films that require a second act exposition dump."
The Guardian reported that producers were quietly courting Oscar winner Jared Leto to appear in "Tron 3," but there was no evidence of any negotiations with him.
"Tron: Legacy" in 2010 revisited the 1982 Jeff Bridges' movie "Tron," which was a middle-of-the-road hit but developed a cult following over more than two decades.
"Tron" fan Lucas Lowman charged that Disney had pulled the rug out from under the movie franchise's fans in his
Change.org petition.
"It's a shame that Disney has elected not to move forward with a third 'Tron' film as the universe is ripe to be explored," Lowman said on the petition.
"Tron fans also displayed their displeasure on Twitter.
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