It is very obvious the United States is at war. The White House and the mainstream media just don’t want to admit it. China hacks security clearance data from all federal employees. That is an act of war. Obama won’t admit it.
What is left for them to hack by the way? Russia wages an all-out information warfare campaign against the West and our way of life. Russia invades another country and lies about it. Obama plays golf.
Once we stood for freedom, strength, and capitalism. We once were a bright, shining city on the hill. Now, under the Obama administration, we are an illiterate, rioting, cesspool of unexceptionalism, focused on people who surgically change their sex rather than what it will take to become great again. America has become a joke to the rest of the world. If this is what Obama wants, he’s got it.
When I say moral authority, I’m not talking about what you do in your bedroom or what box you click on a form. I could care less — just don’t rub it in my face. I’m talking about showing a way of life to the rest of the world that works, that is desired, and is envied.
Freedom, capitalism, opportunity, hard work, personal responsibility — this is what we should be showing to the world. Instead we are showing victimization, whining, and coveting what other people have. We are showing weakness, decline, and saying to the rest of the globe, come and get what you want before our lights go out.
Russia speaks about moral authority but is corrupt through and through. China speaks about America staying out of other country’s business, while they plot to dominate the world militarily and impose totalitarianism wherever they wish. These models of society don’t work. They are only about power and domination over others for wealth and barbarian conquest.
America was the only country that stood for opportunity away from these things. It’s all happened before. Why do you think the Pilgrims came here?
The left talks about native Americans being here first — well, they were warring and plundering other tribes for hundreds of years, taking what the group in the next valley over the mountain had.
The Pilgrims brought an idea of achieving what you want through merit and the rule-of-law. It is worth saving. We have lost it.
Europe is collapsing from within. Everyone wants their free stuff. If they don’t get it, they riot. It’s ridiculous and unsustainable. All the while, Russia waits and takes one bite at a time — Georgia, South Ossetia, Crimea, East Ukraine, etc.
America needs to lead. We need a new outlook on the future. We need someone to take us out of the desert and back into greatness. We need to broadcast our beliefs again. We have Madison Avenue and Silicon Valley.
Why is the East winning the propaganda war? Our younger generation doesn’t remember the past and they are not taught it in schools. They are taught America is bad. It’s all our fault.
We need to get our mojo back. The left is simply out to destroy this country and what it has stood for, plain and simple. They have to be defeated.
L. Todd Wood is a former USAF special operations helicopter pilot. He flew for the 20th Special Operations Squadron and supported SEAL Team 6 and Delta Force in counterterrorism missions. His first novel, “Currency," deals with the geopolitical consequences of overwhelming sovereign debt. Wood writes for The New York Post, Fox Business, The Moscow Times, Breitbart, National Review, the Washington Times, and Zero Hedge. He splits his time between New York and Moscow. For more of his reports, Go Here Now.
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